Here's some interesting reading...
Hidden Messages report for MJZodiac Child report for MJAnd,
Michael's final transits (from
the Advanced Forecast)
June 15, 2009 (Mar 31, 2009 to July 1, 2009) Sat Oppos Moon
The responsibilities and demands of family members may seem overwhelming at this time. You may feel that others are unreasonable in their demands, and that they do not appreciate all that you do for them. This is probably true but you are also very sensitive to criticism at this time, and the extra demands that are placed on you are stressful and can cause you to easily become annoyed and despondent.
Balancing career and domestic needs is difficult now. You may decide to cut down on your working hours so you can devote more time to family, or you may make a decision to not have more children so that family demands can be kept in balance.
You are likely to feel that others do not really understand you, and that they are inflexible and uncompromising. However, the demands that they make on you arise because this is a time when you must give a little more and take care of past negligence. A large amount of sacrifice and selfless dedication to family responsibilities is needed at this time and, if you are unwilling to do it, a major crisis in your close relationships is likely to erupt. Even if you do your best, difficult adjustments in home life and close relationships are likely at this time.
June 15, 2009 (Apr 26, 2009 to July 27, 2009) Plu Trine Plu
This is a time period of gradual maturing of your attitudes and overall approach to life. You become more in tune with your inner needs and tendencies, and you make changes that allow you to spend more time doing the things that you really enjoy and that you instinctively are attracted to, rather than what serves your more worldly ambitions, needs for security, and what appeals to you as the logically correct thing to do. You are willing to sacrifice some benefits in order to live a life that suits your temperament and interests now. This attitude is very wise and you can make great strides in getting your life on track. You are more in tune with your instincts and your life tends to come into alignment with your inner nature. Consequently you feel more contented, more "in your own element", and more creative.
June 23, 2009 (June 22, 2009 to June 25, 2009) Mars Sqr Ven
Your amorous feelings and passions are strong and compelling at this time, and you tend to be very demanding of a lover's energy and affection. Tensions may erupt in close relationships because one of you feels that you have been giving more and not receiving enough in return, or one of you is more amorous than the other. Frustrated love desire can easily turn to anger or irritability at this time.
June 24, 2009 (June 23, 2009 to June 25, 2009) Merc Sxtil Ura
You will want a break from the predictability of your usual routine and methods. You're in the mood to experiment and to learn something new. Offbeat or original ideas excite you and you will seek people who can offer you a different way of looking at things. Discovery, inventiveness, and spontaneity are major themes now.
June 24, 2009 (June 22, 2009 to June 25, 2009)Mars Sxtil Vesta
This is a good time to work on personal as well as business matters. You may feel like doing something that stimulates your ego drives or get passionately involved in a special interest, project, or activity at this time. It is likely you will have enough energy and motivation to carry out your desires and ambitions. However, the urge to work independently or without much involvement with other people may be very strong now. Although this may be a productive period in which you can accomplish a great deal, it is still important to maintain close ties and relationships with others.
June 24, 2009 (June 22, 2009 to June 26, 2009) Vesta Sxtil Plu
You may take an in-depth approach to your work or the projects which arouse your interest. Joint endeavors can be cooperative, and you can do well in situations where the focus of work is for the benefit of groups, organizations or society in general. You are aware of your personal power but understand when it is appropriate to compromise and let others share the role of leadership or control. If your work absorbs your attention, it can be a source of excitement or can fill a great void in your life. On the other hand, you should use this opportunity to rediscover or regenerate your commitment and dedication to the affairs of your personal life, especially important relationships which you cherish.
June 24, 2009 (June 3, 2009 to July 8, 2009) Sat Conj Ceres
You cherish close ties with family and loved ones now, yet may feel overly responsible for their welfare, care, and concern. You have a tendency now to take a more serious and mature approach to matters regarding the health, education, and protection of family members, especially children, at this time. You need a sense of order, control, and stability in your closest personal relationships, as well as in your home and career. In your attempts to keep everyone comfortable, safe, and pampered, you may neglect to nourish your own emotional needs or feel a lack of fulfillment in this regard. You may have to learn to express your desires for love, affection, and attention more openly, as loved ones might conclude that you have less need to rely on them for support and nurturing. During this period you may also have concerns over the health or well-being of a parent or elderly person in your family. Reflections on your past, upbringing, and childhood are also possible. Close relationships are tested and evaluated to determine if they are sound and enduring. In addition, some alliances will be restructured and improved, or you may experience a separation or loss of a significant relationship in your life.
June 24, 2009 (June 23, 2009 to June 25, 2009) Ven Qucnx Sat
Disappointment in a friend or lover and/or the realization that you have been neglecting your own needs for socializing, affection, and companionship is indicated. In either case, loneliness and feelings of desolation may arise. Perhaps you are sacrificing pleasure and love for the sake of achievements or to meet responsibilities. However, if you find yourself really unhappy right now, you probably need to reassess the balance in your life between work and play, between emotional needs and practical concerns.
June 25, 2009 (June 24, 2009 to June 26, 2009) Ven Sqr Chi
Your emotional needs are not readily fulfilled by others now. Seemingly trivial matters or problems in a close relationship can progress to more important issues and you may sense that a mate or loved one is not tuned into your true needs and feelings. It may be especially hard for you to let other people give their guidance, advice, or love at this time, even though it may be what you desire deep inside. Try to remove internal blocks or fears that may be holding you back from true intimacy and understanding in your relationships.
June 25, 2009 (June 23, 2009 to June 27, 2009) Vesta Trine Nep
This is a favorable period to clear away any imperfections in your work routines and endeavors. You may need a work environment free of distractions and chaos in order to work with more productivity and efficiency. If your creative energy and imagination is given room to flourish, then you will truly feel dedicated to your job responsibilities and duties. You may envision greater possibilities or yearn for idyllic work conditions where your dreams are automatically fulfilled. Since you are highly susceptible to the influence of others, you may be swayed by their ideas and schemes. If the plans and designs of other individuals are based in reality, you can benefit now from their inspirations. However, it is important that you discern between fact and fiction in your dealings with others.
You can achieve greater satisfaction now if you devote your efforts to volunteer service, charity work, hospitals, or spiritual organizations.
June 25, 2009 (June 25, 2009 to June 26, 2009) Merc Sqr Moon
Emotions, prejudices, or unresolved issues from the past come up in your interactions with others now, and you may not be very objective.
This is a good time to speak up and clear the air of any grievances you have been holding on to for some time.
Personal subjects are the topic of discussion now. Reminiscing, remembering, daydreaming about, and reflecting on the past is likely.
June 25, 2009 (June 24, 2009 to June 26, 2009)Sun Conj Ven/Mars
You are attractive, vibrant, sexy and creative. It is time to share yourself with an admiring world. You can attract whom and what you want. Your artistic skills are very strong now so decorate, paint, draw, dance or make music.
June 25, 2009 (June 25, 2009 to June 26, 2009) Merc Sqr Ceres
It may be difficult to reason with loved ones now. A family member, sibling, relative, or mate could make your routine, everyday tasks seem a bit chaotic just now. All sorts of complications are possible either when communicating, traveling, or running errands for your loved ones. You may get saddled with others' responsibilities now and then complain you are being taken advantage of. Petty disagreements can spoil the atmosphere in your domestic life. If you have children, they may be very fussy and hard to please at this time.
June 26, 2009 (June 23, 2009 to June 29, 2009)Ceres Oppos Moon
This can be an emotionally trying period in your personal life. You confront your innermost desires and longings at this time and may have doubt about your ability to offer love, guidance, and support in your closest relationships. This is a time when you may experience some kind of an emotional block and you unconsciously display detached, impersonal indifference toward nurturing and caretaking responsibilities for yourself or loved ones. You may feel isolated from loved ones and receive inadequate support or feedback to fill your void. There could be many anxieties, fears of separations, emotional hurts, and rejections.
Professional plans or creative endeavors may be left hanging until you make attempts to straighten out the difficulties in your domestic environment. If you are a male, the women in your life may seem unimpassioned or reserved in their dealings with you or disapprove of your personal ambitions. Children may display emotional neediness which interferes with your own personal freedom.
June 26, 2009 (June 22, 2009 to June 30, 2009) Juno Qucnx Jup
Be careful not to take on more than you can handle now in your marriage or love relationship. If you promise too much or become overwhelmed by your partner's demands, you will find it difficult to meet your obligations. You might feel like running away from your problems and responsibilities, which would only cause additional stress and tension in the relationship. In fact, if a problem occurs in your relationship, the situation may get way out of hand, or you may overstate your opinion on the matter. You may be tempted to place the blame on your partner when you become overly irritated.