Thursday, June 28, 2007

Minor Aspects: Small Stuff that SEEMS Important

Mercury is semisquare Saturn and sesquisquare Neptune. This is in effect for the next day, and again in Juy when Mercury is Direct.

Since Mercury and the Sun are conjunct now (meaning this is the middle of this Mercury Retrograde period), the Sun also semisquares Saturn and sesquisquares Neptune.

These are minor aspects that can seem like a big deal IF you get caught up in judgments-- superior OR inferior. The more closed or judgmental you are to a person or idea, the more likely you will limit your own thought process and help to create a communication breakdown that results in further delays. Don't use a small error to justify condemning or criticizing, or do it and see how much longer you'll have to wait....

Proving your self-esteem by finding the faults in others can seem to prove that you're better than the "other guy", but can actually add to your insecurity, especially if you're working harder to validate your self worth. And what if a problem is not exactly what you thought,,,, how does that change your perceptions and rating system?

Another current minor aspect that can cause problems and increase tension is Mars semisquare Uranus. Letting a tech problem STRESS YOU OUT can make a problem worse. Overreacting to a glitch -- even if it trips up your schedule-- you can make the solution harder to find. Accidents are possible if you can't slow down and chill out an impulse.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Saturn opposes Neptune: when reality and illusion are revealed

Saturn and Neptune oppose on Monday, June 25, 2007. This transit has been in effect since August 31, 2006. This the 3rd and last time these outer planets will oppose. This is a powerful moment.

Where were you when the illusion hit the fan? When you realized just what society has done and the cost and the karma and the responsibility? This outer planet opposition can influence us on a cultural level more than on a personal level, so you may not feel personally responsible. What if each one of us DOES make a difference? Could you have done anything differently, if you had been aware that things were so critical. Would you have made different choices? Can you start now by becoming more aware of the choices that are on your plate RIGHT NOW? That is all that matters.

Any dissatisfaction and disillusion we feel now can be more directed at those in power, who are entrusted to do the greatest good for the public. Have they? As a society, we may feel more disillusioned than protected as Saturn and Neptune oppose. We may realize that trusting blindly may not be in our best interests. Our beliefs may be based on deceptons and illusions that are the exact OPPOSITE of the truth. Only blaming what's "out there" may not be as useful as being honest with yourself.

When this major aspect is in effect, we can act out unconscious feelings we thought we had left behind in a distant memory. We may feel someone is subtly trying to undermine our progress and blame them for any increased anxiety or lack of trust we may be feeling. Taking responsibility can mean facing fears we may not really want to face, so telling ourselves stories can seem preferable and more comforting. "It's just for now", we tell ourselves. To get past the fear and into a positive state of mind, you don't have to wait for the "tides to turn". You can start now by using your conscious mind to put yourself in a positive state of mind. Be willing to face whatever obstacles are in your path to achievement; be willing to make commitments; be honest in business, politics, and all professional exchanges.

How does your reality compare with what you imagined? Is the reality the same as the dream? If it's not, how can you take responsibility and create the reality you want to live. Not everything you think you want turns out to be what you imagined. And that can become especially apparent when Saturn opposes Neptune (once every 39 years).

"What you see is what you get. But it sure ain't what we need" David Byrne

Monday, June 18, 2007

Summer Solstice: What's the ONE thing you need right now?


Summer officially starts when the SUN is at the most northern point of its arc, lighting up the Tropic of Cancer (yes, this is TROPICAL astrology!) -- precisely on June 21, 2007 at 2:07 PM EDT.

Summer Solstice is a major turning point, or bending, in the wheel of the year; besides being the peak of light in the northern hemisphere, it is also when the SUN starts to change direction, slowly turning back southward after seeming to hang stationery in the sky for a few days. Ah, the long days of summer!

Summer 2007 can be described through the SOLSTICE chart, cast when the Sun is 0 degrees Cancer. In this chart, the SUN is in Cancer, naturally the sign of the MOON. The MOON is in VIRGO, ruled by Mercury, while Mercury is Retrograde in Cancer, which is ruled by the MOON. Translation: At Summer Solstice, the Moon and Mercury are in each other's signs, called MUTUAL RECEPTION. Again we see the blending of the Moon and Mercury repeated during Mercury Retrograde. That's a message!

So what IS the message? This is NOT the time to live in fear of yourself, it's a time to learn about yourself so you can ACT on your authentic feelings and tell your authentic story. To do that, be willing to observe how you respond to feedback and anxiety, look into where your autoresponses originate, attempt to understand your past programming. This is a time to think over personal issues, let your ideas develop and take root BEFORE discussing them openly (while Mercury is Retrograde), because when you DO speak your mind, you may not be open to discussing or debating your ideas, especially if someone is belittling or denying what you think. A condescending, patronizing attitude can be intolerable now!

Our current concerns are about SECURITY. Due to our (very real) need to feel SECURE, we hide whatever makes us feel insecure, including any part of our inner, private self that reveals our true nature; the parts that may not fit into the rest of the society, the parts that are not acceptable and make us stand out instead of fit in. We have a natural need to feel secure, protected, safe. We want to belong. We don't want to be neglected or rejected, so when we feel different, we may feel rejected, unacceptable, and denied the sense of belonging to something larger than just ourselves, to be whole.

So what IS the boundary line between protecting yourself and allowing your ego full control of your life? It will help to understand and clarify your personal needs as Summer 2007 begins. Overlooking your needs, putting them on the back-burner, shutting them down because they're inconvenient and other people's needs seem to be higher PRIORITY, can cause your very real needs to return in a more urgent and demanding way while Mercury is Retrograde in Cancer. You don't need to cover your strength to fit in! This is the time to grease that squeaky wheel! Acknowledge your needs, ask them what they want, get to the roots of your feelings so you can determine if they're real or imposed, based on true survival or on the desires of your greedy monkey who craves everything, especially if someone else has it! Take the time to re-think your needs; is this something you really want or it is something you feel you "should" have. Where is this coming from? Ask now and you will know the answer. The more personal your question, the more likely you will get your answer.

And if your needs are real and important, yet you are holding them back because you feel doubtful-- you may wonder if your needs really worth fulfilling. Perhaps your needs conflict with what someone else needs, then what? Then your love needs to extend further, even to yourself so you can find the acceptance to acknowledge and honor your own needs. Fulfilling your needs can change your behavior... and how you experience the world.

As the SUN enters Cancer, it's time to ACT on your feelings, make who are are into the routine you live every day.

What can YOU do -- this summer -- to nurture and nourish the people, projects, and places you LOVE so that everyone grows?

At this Summer Solstice, it may be time for a feng shui consultation; check the locks on your home; consult with a commodities broker, a real estate broker, and/or a contractor; get family-based counselling; take action to make sure your FOOD is safe; cook up some nourishing gourmet meals and take the time to savor every bite, relish every taste; enjoy your favorite restaurant; preserve local landmarks and/or attend a local history lecture.

Venus trines Jupiter

Monday morning, the sun is SHINING, Venus and Jupiter are trine, and even the Moon is joining Venus to make you feel even better than great. That is THE happiest aspect of the zodiac! Today and tomorrow are ideal times to enjoy life. Be thankful for all you DO have, and even all you want. It's exciting and the future looks promising right now, despite any challenges or power plays. The kinder you are and the more GRATITUDE you have, the happier you'll feel. Share the joy. Be generous. I'm out the door, but i wanted to remind everyone to SMILE, it's Venus trine Jupiter!!!

Friday, June 15, 2007

Before the Solstice...

Before the SUN leaves Gemini and enters Cancer on Thursday, marking the Summer Solstice, there's some business to take care of...

Pluto, still a heavy dude and serious big businessman-- despite recent reclassification, is in the late degree of 27 Sagittarius, with the Sun opposing at 27 Gemini in the wee hours of June 19 (just before midnight of 6/18 on the West Coast).

If you insist on having it ALL your way, allowing your ego full control, you may find yourself at opposite ends of a power struggle. Is it REALLY your way or the highway? An ultimatum can make it more difficult and unlikely that you can come to a win-win agreement, yet a total win or lose can backfire with consequences.

The trick here is to let your energy lead the way. If you have a great idea that you think will improve your relationships or finances, GO FOR IT! Don't wait! Take the leadership, use your resources, or even the resources of larger organizations. If you're passionate about something, be willing to DO something about it! Don't just assume, DO your research, find a strategy that will work and achieve it.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

New Moon Musings

Happy New Moon in Gemini !!
With Sun and Moon conjunct in the sign of Gemini, this is a rebirth for connecting and communicating. You may feel an increased need to open your mind and dig into your ideas: it's a great time to talk, share, write, and re-think ideas. A good conversation can help you do that. Networking, socializing, writing, emailing, googling, phoning, reading, can all help spark new interests and find more information about ongoing projects and questions. This could be the time to create your own MySpace page.

At this Gemini New Moon, the Sun and Moon are both sextile Mars and Saturn, putting the New Moon at the Mars/Saturn midpoint. You can focus your energy on expressing your ideas, but you can also realize that you are limiting yourself, criticizing your ideas before you share them with anyone. The inner critic, or ego, wants to be in control, but that leaves your higher self out of the picture. If your ability to express yourself feels blocked, it could be your own resistance you are feeling. What if the blocks you experience are really coming from your own inner doubts, resistance, and programmed patterns; looking at the past and anxious about the future, while denying the present moment. This New Moon represents the potential to clearly see and go beyond old patterns. They may have served you at some point, but you may need to let them go now so you can move forward.

Honor your responsibilities-- dont' forget them, but don't let fear and "shoulds" and what you think you're "supposed" to do, think, and say hold you back from expressing yourself. Go for what excites you, take a chance on an adventure, give your individuality its freedom, and mix your free style with mainstream.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

New Moon in Gemini, Mercury stationing Retrograde in Cancer

The New Moon in Gemini with ruler Mercury making a Retrograde station seems to be an appropriate time to restart the artcharts blog. This is a great time to let go of the past, embrace the future, and feel authentically positive about the prospects for all of us. Working in a calm, concentrated, focused way, you can make significant progress and use your energy productively, without getting bogged down by negativity and resistance.

This will help greatly as Mercury makes a Retrograde station (the day after Thursday's New Moon, on Friday, June 15). To better understand how a Mercury Retrograde period will influence your life, it's helpful to look at the chart for the Retrograde station.

Mercury retrogrades 3 times a year for 3 weeks each time.

Mercury in Cancer will make a Retrograde station while conjunct the Moon, ruler of Cancer. In its own sign of Cancer, the Moon is in a strong position. This Mercury Retrograde period is about getting back in touch with your emotions by communicating more; allowing feelings you have stuffed and repressed to come out and be cleared. This is a time for blending sensitivity with the ability to communicate, which makes it staggering how much you can express of your inner, personal feelings and responses. It's a time to WELCOME your feelings, allow them happen so you see them for what they are and can even let them go....

It can seem like everyone wants to tell you their life story, even if you've heard it before. As your inner feelings become more conscious, you can express them more easily, but you can also be motivated by your emotions and your ideas and opinions can be colored by how you feel, blurring the difference between being emotional and being rational. Which is which, who knows, who cares?!

The only problem is that we can subconsciously lean into our old, pre-programmed emotional prejudices and responses. So keep in mind, your ideas and your mind set is based on your own experiences, not only on "the facts".

This is a time to try an experiment. Try letting your feeling responses come before your intellectual responses. Learn to say what you mean, without controlling every thought and response, and trying to fit it into what you think you "should" be feeling or thinking. Try something new, try responding as your authentic self.