Happy New Moon in Gemini !!
With Sun and Moon conjunct in the sign of Gemini, this is a rebirth for connecting and communicating. You may feel an increased need to open your mind and dig into your ideas: it's a great time to talk, share, write, and re-think ideas. A good conversation can help you do that. Networking, socializing, writing, emailing, googling, phoning, reading, can all help spark new interests and find more information about ongoing projects and questions. This could be the time to create your own MySpace page.
At this Gemini New Moon, the Sun and Moon are both sextile Mars and Saturn, putting the New Moon at the Mars/Saturn midpoint. You can focus your energy on expressing your ideas, but you can also realize that you are limiting yourself, criticizing your ideas before you share them with anyone. The inner critic, or ego, wants to be in control, but that leaves your higher self out of the picture. If your ability to express yourself feels blocked, it could be your own resistance you are feeling. What if the blocks you experience are really coming from your own inner doubts, resistance, and programmed patterns; looking at the past and anxious about the future, while denying the present moment. This New Moon represents the potential to clearly see and go beyond old patterns. They may have served you at some point, but you may need to let them go now so you can move forward.
Honor your responsibilities-- dont' forget them, but don't let fear and "shoulds" and what you think you're "supposed" to do, think, and say hold you back from expressing yourself. Go for what excites you, take a chance on an adventure, give your individuality its freedom, and mix your free style with mainstream.