Saturday, September 15, 2007

Venus in the shadow

Venus is just starting to move forward in Leo. Yet, she will be in the "retrograde shadow" (the degrees which she retrograded back through) until October 8.

This is when we realize it is us, not them.

We may be learning to be satisfied with our best efforts, no matter how imperfect we think they are. Will you ever feel fully satisfied, fully confident and in command of yourself? We continue to stretch and grow, accomplishing what we never thought possible. Look back a few years and look at you now, would you ever have thought your current life possible?

Yet, achieving your dreamlife may not help your personal growth. Wealth doesn't change your feelings-- unless you work on yourself. Wealth won't give you what you want if you still blame others for your personal situation.

Often, doing everything we "should" to get approval does not result in happiness. All the bad things don't "just disappear." The need for approval makes it seem "normal" to give yourself away, and many of us acquire wealth so we'll be accepted.

Keeping what you don't want away from you is exhausting. You have to keep making sure it's not here, or there. Yet, if you are not looking to anyone to confirm your individuality, you're free.

This is the point of Venus retracing her steps in Leo (Venus is in the retrograde shadow phase, traditionally a time of increased confrontations). We all need to rely on our OWN self, not the opinions of others, which change and have little thought for you or your path.

Instead of letting others determine your course, you have to KNOW you're doing what you need to be doing, and keep doing it. If a criticism bears merit, listen! But if it is based on keeping you "in your place" through control or manipulation, you must disregard it. We are all here for our own special abilities. YOU can only be YOU. And if you accept that someone thinks of you as LESS and therefore you ARE less, you are selling yourself short, you are giving away your self-love, which is your connection to your inner flow, your divinity.

If your inner self depends on what others think of you or how much you own, you are FULLY owned by the whims of others.

in Love&Light,

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You really put out some good comments to your astrology blogs. I find them very helpful and constructive. I like that you are combining a type of astropsychology. Which, by the way is my style of doing astrology. It really helped to understand what I inherited from my birth people as opposed to my adopted people. It's too bad more people don't get that this is a lot better astrology site than most. I try and tell them.... Thanks for your skills and time.