Sunday, October 14, 2007

Manifesting Love: the conjuntion of Venus and Saturn

Love is a teaching, and you're ready for the lesson.

Venus and Saturn are making a conjunction in early Virgo. What makes this reunion all the more powerful is that Venus Retrograde (this summer) gave us 3 Venus-Saturn conjunctions. This is the 3rd and last time.

A commitment you didn't feel ready, willing, or able to make earlier this Summer may seem like the right thing to do this Fall. It's a good time to get serious about a relationship.

The astrology books caution that Venus conjunct Saturn inhibits affection and can act as a barrier to love. Yet, committed relationships do create an exclusive club and form a barrier by their very nature. Yet, ongoing relationships can get an energy renewal [as Mercury and Mars form a trine to each other and sextiles to the Venus-Saturn conjunction]; guidance or reading can help you understand each other better so you can relate reasonably. When you approach a relationship as 2 people who are accountable for themselves AND responsible to the relationship, you can reach a renewed level of appreciation for the ongoing love you share-- no matter how you decide to proceed.

All relationships count, and business relationships can also mature now as you coordinate with a partner to plan for the future. Don't hideout-- get socially organized; work your social networks.

The conjunction of Venus and Saturn in Virgo can make learning more enjoyable, especially if it can help you to earn more from your profession. If there's a subject you're attracted to, take opportunities to learn in more depth. When you love your subject, even the most technical details are fascinating now.

If you can create a barrier to negative judgments, your passionate commitments can give you plenty of energy to enjoy an active and enlightening weekend.

Put feeling good first on your agenda and enjoy!

in Love&Light,

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