Monday, September 17, 2007

Fall Equinox: getting your balance

Fall Equinox is Sunday, September 23 at 5:52 am edt :: 2:52 am pdt

Fall Equinox is a time of balance.

The Sun is exactly on the Equator creating an exact balance of light and dark.

As the Sun enters Libra, sign of the scales, we are reminded of the importance of balance in our lives.

This Fall Equinox is an opportunity to achieve balance. But there are obstacles.

[Astrology: Mars is opposing Pluto and both are square the Sun just before the Equinox, creating a Mutable T-Square pattern while Mars is moving North by declination and will be out-of-bounds by declination (above 23.6N) from October through late April 2008]

If you continue to carry on power struggles, act out of resentment, or if want something TOO much, you can miss an opportunity to release old tensions and you can carry over negative emotions--that are ready to be released-- into the future. If someone is truly not ready to achieve balance and harmony and continues to speak abusively, move away! This is not the time to stay and continue to argue! You can send love to the person, but doing it from a distance can be more effective.

The belief that you HAVE TO control everything to make progress can be distracting you from doing just that. Once you send out a hope or intention, let your unconscious take care of delivery. If you try to maintain complete control over HOW it will happen, you are giving your subconscious the message that it has no place in your life. And this can block you from access to your intuition and prevent you from attaining your dreams and goals.

Yet, there's hope for peace and love [as the Sun and Venus are in "mutual reception" or, in each other's rulership signs]-- IF you focus on positive people and AVOID what does NOT attract you. That's it. Walk away. If you stay and continue to argue with someone who has no interest in creating peace or living in harmony, you will not be in harmony.

It's time to move forward and continuing to obsess on negative emotions will hold you back this Fall.

Since the Sun and Venus are in mutual reception (Sun in Venus-ruled Libra, Venus in Sun-ruled Leo), any insecurity you hold about being attractive can influence you to purchase whatever makes you feel more attractive. You may NOT be satisfied with people who do not live up to your standards of good looks and prosperity. This need for outside confirmation actually gives your inner self the message that you don't really think you're attractive, so you continue to buy and surround yourself with things and people you hope will make you appear more attractive. Yet, since the feeling of being attractive comes from within, continuing to compare yourself to others will continue to make you insecure about your looks and appeal.

Jupiter is strong in the Equinox chart as it approaches a square to unpredictable Uranus (on the angles on the East Coast, making its effect more obvious). And in Washington, DC, Uranus is directly on the DES and Jupiter is one degree from the IC (4th house cusp, bottom of the chart) on the East Coast). At an EQUINOX, this means action that comes from a positive inner feeling. Weather can be glorious most of the time, with surprisingly wild and possibly severe storms, likely coming up the East Coast.

Jupiter on the IC with Uranus on the DES encourages us to give a partner or ally enough space be their unique self, regardless of how that effects your status or plans, and even if you are surprised or alienated by your partner's actions. There's an opportunity to grow beyond your current comfort level, to open your mind and accept what you previously thought was too wild or unusual or unorthodox. If you can get beyond long-held, traditional beliefs, you can pursue interests and expand your mind. Instead of thinking your partner is being too radical or experimental, being more open to what they are thinking or saying can start to open you to new ideas. And maybe even prosperity. The more you stretch now, the farther you can go.

Digging roots can make you feel happy and abundantly prosperous. Yet, your ideal location may not be convenient for your partner, although it can be a place that is a personal investment for your well-being and prosperity. A solution may be a stretch, but thinking big can push your luck into new more prosperous territory.

in Love&Light,

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

RIGHT on!!! Totally supportive. You are a true wonder. Many blessings to you Lauren.