Mars is in the astrological hot seat.
Astrologically, transiting Mars is currently square the Sun (Sept 17) and square Uranus (Sept 3) and opposing Jupiter (Aug 23). Mars will square the coming Solar Eclipse (Sept 11, 2007) on September 6. Events can be frustrating, even infuriating, or even explosive. You can get really hot, physically and emotionally.
How are you wired for an energy surge? Will you let yourself have a tantrum or will you be productive?
Mars in the horoscope generates heat. Emotionally, heat creates passion. Physically, heat creates inflammation.
Mars transforms desires into passion. A strong Mars arouses our WILL, giving us the energy to act and get our needs met-- now, not later.
When we use our passion to assert our will, sometimes aggressively, we may not be giving much thought to how others will react to the force we are exerting.
Why are we using force? To control others so we can get our needs met.
When we use control strategies to get what we want, it often doesn't work. Probably unconsciously, or by default, we often use approval/disapproval to control the other people. By withdrawing approval, we (try to) maintain control and get what we want from others.
With Mars so strong in the chart now, our patience can be pushed to a breaking point, increasing the feeling of urgency to get our needs met--- NOW! Or.....? Yet, it's a choice: accept others for what they can give, or reject people who don't give in a way that is exactly what you wanted.
Mars in Gemini in the hot seat (part of a Mutable Grand Square) can be distracting energy. There are so many things (large and small) competing for your immediate attention, you can easily get disorganized and not accomplish much. Everyone can feel like they have ADD.
First, do whatever you can to slow your thoughts. Breathe, meditate. Once you are refreshed, trust yourself. You will know exactly what to do next. And you'll have the energy and the ability to communicate in a way that motivates instead of manipulates. Then your desires can be met.
in Love&Light,
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