Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Lunar Eclipse of July 7, 2009

There is a Lunar Eclipse on July 7.

Lunar Eclipses are Full Moons conjunct the Lunar Nodes.

(Solar Eclipses are New Moons conjunct the Lunar Nodes, but that's in 2 weeks, on July 21). Check the Eclipse Calendar on

You will also find there are 2 Lunar Eclipses coming! First, the one on July 7 and another on the next Full Moon on August 5. This is because they are both Penumbral Eclipses, not Total, and this is because the Sun and Moon are 15 degrees from the Nodes in the first Lunar Eclipse (that's a wide orb) and 13 degrees apart at the Lunar Eclipse of August 5. The August 5th Lunar Eclipse is in Aquarius (13 Aquarius 43)


At the Lunar Eclipse, the Moon is in Capricorn. This makes Saturn the Eclipse ruler. And, good news--- Saturn is trine (positive) the Eclipse Moon in Capricorn. Attention to detail has never been more important -- or helpful. The theme of sustainable economics has come up many times while Saturn has been in Virgo, and this Eclipse shows how that we need to make it real-- even if it takes some effort, transitions can go smoothly. But you have to take it seriously. Very seriously.

So why would this be a problem? It's easy. Do the right thing, which is easy now, and good things happen.

The only "problem" is the doing of the right thing. That requires attention to detail, especially right now with Saturn in Virgo and Pluto in Saturn's sign, Capricorn. We cannot gloss over the details-- they could be crucial. This Eclipse involves your career, and your standing in society. And many of us do care, or Facebook would not be the phenomena it is.

There's a very significant, year-long Jupiter-Neptune conjunction perfecting the next day, so that aspect is in FULL effect at the time of the FULL Moon. And to make sure we know about this illusive Jupiter-Neptune conjunction, Mars will be exactly square Jupiter-Neptune at eclipse time. This can have the effect of shattering illusions, since it is a square from Mars to Jupiter-Neptune in AQUARIUS.

There is always more, so I'll try to get back to you with more....
Meanwhile, this from the July TimeLine. I include it because the TimeLine is the only personalized forecast that interprets the Eclipses. And for those of us who still want to connect with astrology as our alignment to the Universe, I am offering your personalized July TimeLine as my gift to you with all purchases over $15 from artcharts in July 2009.

Jul 07 Moon Trine Saturn Lunar Eclipse (Capricorn-Virgo 1st-8th)
*** Exact (Enter: 07/07/09 Exact: 07/07/09 Leave: 08/05/09)
"Situations and people you thought you could rely on might not be so solid after all. Talk things over, find out what's really happening, and you should be able to enhance your security. A feeling that things will work out right if left alone can be VERY misleading now - you've got to do your homework!"

Happy Eclipse!
from artcharts

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