Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The Lunar North Node in Capricorn

The Lunar Nodes are changing signs this summer, 2009. They move backwards through the zodiac and are moving from Aquarius into Capricorn in August. This is big stuff!! Sign of the times. Get serious. Be brave! Work towards your goals.

Why don't we just work towards our goals? What gets in the way?

When we start to work towards a goal we realize several things.

First-- we need to have a firm commitment. Goals are not necessarily easy to reach. If you do not have firm resolve, if you have not set your intention clearly, then you will probably give up way before reaching your goal. You may not think it's that important at the time, and you may laugh it off or think your goal was delusional or wrong or misguided. But, if it's your commitment that's lacking, you may regret not pursuing your goals. Maybe not today, but you may regret it later.

Next--- the minute you set a goal, you have to be prepared to be tested.

It is very unlikely that you will simply get everything you want exactly the way you want it the first time you try. You may find that you have to confront fears. And that's why many of us don't try. Facing your fears means your ego has to be open, and that goes against the ego. You have to be open to hearing that you need to work harder, that you need to have a more serious commitment, that you STILL have to do more! Are you really giving it your all? Doing your homework? Reading all the fine print? You may be rejected by someone or something that could truly help you reach your goals. You may not be the instant rockstar you imagine. That's the ego, imaging you're The Best without proving it, testing it, tempering it in the fire of competition and endurance.

Instead of looking to others to take care of you, which is the South Node in Cancer, North Node in Capricorn means it's time to be an adult, step up, accept responsibility for both good and bad.

This is the North Node in Capricorn -- keep climbing that mountain!

This is from "LifePath Report" on the North Node in Capricorn"

" Incorporating the following traits into your life will make it easier in the long run to attain goals.
The best way to describe this principle is to imagine a bird having to leave its nest for the first time. It is extremely challenging, but it's the only way to really learn to fly.
Commitment, perseverance and the steady rise toward some kind of solid achievement are encouraged. Learn to keep going when the going gets tough. Lay solid foundations for your goals.
You can focus your energies without waste and efficiency can become your key to success. Keep your eye on the target.
Certain life events will show you the value of taking responsibility for other people, especially without being asked. Successful outcomes are reinforced by an unwavering sense of duty toward your obligations.

And the "Indra Report" cautions us against "emotional dependency" at a time we need to stay focused on the job at hand and not veer into emotions that cause us to feel overwhelmed and dysfunctional. That comes from the South Node in Cancer reminding us that we need to be taken care of, spoon fed. Yet, it is in taking care of ourselves that we become self-reliant and gain a true sense of self.

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