Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Easy winning: Mars opposes Jupiter

Mars is opposing Jupiter.

Is there a limit to too much?

You may seem to be on a winning streak. Luck is with you. So you go one more round-- double or nothing-- only to lose.

What happened?

When do you win? When do you get to enjoy what you've won? When do you live happily ever after?

How important is WINNING the competition? More than a friendship? More than the value of another person? More than your spiritual development? If you really think you are better than the "other guy", what you are competing against? Besides love, everything else is illusion.

By competing and excluding, you are actually getting closer to what you are competing against!

If you are DRAWN to someone or something-- if you want to compete -- you are being pulled to it, closer to it, not more separate as you think. Ironically, the competition you engage in may be exactly what you need to drop, let go of, release. But your ego's need to win can push you to interact, even though the interactions you engage in are not positive and only serve to drain your energy.

If you don't want to be bored, move on. Don't wait for others, because they are probably fine with just sitting there and continuing the same old competition that goes nowhere and vampires all your energy.

Filling emptiness with exaggerated expectations and false triumphs does not add to your progress or joy; yet it can add to your stress when things don't work out according to your high expectations. Friends who are overly impressed by your success can be out the door if and when they detect any imperfection or defect. If you take this on as a real, meaningful judgment of your Self, you are lost.

Pushing for instant wins is an attempt to please these "friends". Yet, impressing them is unlikely to give you satisfaction--- and is probably impossible anyway. They will always keep that carrot dangling just beyond your reach---- And you will always want to impress those you think are perpetually dissatisfied and endlessly unimpressible! Who, exactly, is boring?!

in Love&Light,

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