Monday, August 20, 2007

Obstacles, or steps to success?

On this Sun-Saturn conjunction in Leo, you can feel responsible and strong, serious and professional.

Are you working towards a goal? Are you succeeding? If not, why not? This is a good time to get clear about goals. (Saturn will enter Virgo September 2)

When you encounter obstacles to goals it can mean: 1- you need to change your goal, or 2- you need to improve your skills and find more creative ways to overcome blocks and start generating strength and success, even if you're not making big $, yet.

Get clear about your goal. Is it your goal, or is it something you think you "should" be doing. Should doesn't give you much energy or inspiration and makes everything more difficult and complicated to achieve.

Write it down. That makes it clear, which makes it more likely to become real.

If you are truly on the wrong path, be open to finding a better solution. There is more than one way to reach a goal. If you are a panic about not fulfilling a goal, remember that being overwhelmed does not help your creative problem-solving ability.

If doors continue to close, take a break. Do something for YOU. Take a walk, do something that inspires you, ask the right people for support or assistance. Wait until something in your best interests presents itself, and it will-- if you are open to it!

You have the power you need to create the life you want. Saturn is also trine Pluto, the aspect that saved the day for the financial markets last week. This is ultimate power and we each have it--- IF we think we do!

in Love&Light,

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