Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Venus and the Sun: magic hour

Venus and the Sun conjunct on August 17 at 11:42 pm edt.

(This is an "inferior" conjunction, called this because it happens when Venus is Retrograde.)

As the Sun and Venus conjunct, your sense of self-value may be obscured or in question. You may even feel overpowered by higher powers.

If you are (secretly) wondering what you are worth to the world, this week can stir up so many intense emotions. Before you determine your true value, don't forget your essential (Sun) Self-- the YOU that is always divine and always perfect. In the realm of spirit, no one person is worth more than another. We are all divine, except when we view ourselves from the perspective of others or our egos. Then we will never feel valued or good-enough. We don't feel the approval of others, so we don't value ourselves. And the cycle continues....

This Venus-Sun transit (conjunct Saturn and trine Pluto) is an opportunity to experience a transition or shift in how you feel about yourself. A feeling of positive self-worth that comes from within can transform how you relate to others, from friends to associates to loving partners.

If you are questioning your self-worth, this is a time you can tune into your own awareness. If you are questioning your love for someone, you may feel an intense desire to merge in a way that blends love and commitment.

Focus on your love and make magic!

in Love&Light,

ps, i encourage you to work on your love relationships by using the Love Forecast, a guide to allowing love in your life, written especially for you.

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