Mars, the ACTION planet, is in the hot seat.
Mars is exactly square Saturn Tuesday and is also square Neptune, creating a tense t-square that DEMANDS action while making it more difficult to TAKE action.
Outside, expect HOT weather. On the personal level, there is an opportunity to free up STUCK energy and start moving towards achieving your goals. How? FOCUS.
If your FOCUS is on what you see as problems and imperfections, that is what you will continue to get, and more of it. Goals will be more frustrating than motivating, and your resistance will keep things exactly the way they are, even if you SAY you want change.
If you can look at the world and the offerings presented to you as having the potential to change, inform, and emotionally uplift your psychological energy, you can move past limiting patterns and beliefs. If all you find are faults, you are meeting your own resistance to your own passions and motivation. You can't FOCUS on gratitude and appreciation when you are blaming and assigning guilt. And-- you can't feel guilt and blame when you are FOCUSing on your gratitude and appreciation.
If you let past events determine your future, you are likely to hold on to the same fear, guilt, and inhibitions that have always limited your actions. Despite WANTING better things in your life, you will continue to self-sabotage and not receive your dream life. If you can stand on your own and take action based on what YOU know is right-action, you can start to move forward. Otherwise, you can continue to seek support and continue to find fault in how it is given.
with Love&Light,
If you like the free articles on this blog, let me know by buying my absolute favorite gift - an Amazon gift certificate. My email is Click Here! thanks so much:-)
ArtCharts Vibe Watch Astrologyshares daily astrology information, inspiration, and insights about current astrological influences. Adjust your mood-- get the advice you're looking for and stay a step ahead with thistimely blog. Visit Artcharts online at
Monday, July 30, 2007
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Full Moon Awareness
The Full Moon is approaching and weather permitting, will be quite a show as the moon rises this evening.
Since i see astrology as energy, i have a few comments on the current state of energy.
Mars, the energy planet, is square Saturn, the cautious planet. This is a time when everything seems to get in your way of success. You may have spent considerable time and energy trying to make something criticism-proof, yet the responses you receive can be frustrating, non-existent, or even resentful.
Insisting that everything works according to your plan or schedule can create a one-way energy system. And the problem with that is that the energy cannot renew itself. It's a dead end. So you do a lot, but then the energy dries up and you wonder, why? what happened? Things may have seemed to be going great, but they were just going your way, and/or you did not create a path for the energy to flow back; receiving energy seems to be blocked or slowed way down.
How can you make this time less frustrating and more productive? Patience! And build a path for the energy to return. Let yourself receive positive energy, don't block it by feeling the frustration or thinking there's never enough. That's the old scare-city mentality. There IS enough, but you may need to accept building patiently now if you want to continue to be productive.
with Love&Light,
If you like the free articles on this blog, let me know by buying my absolute favorite gift - an Amazon gift certificate. My email is Click Here! thanks so much:-)
Since i see astrology as energy, i have a few comments on the current state of energy.
Mars, the energy planet, is square Saturn, the cautious planet. This is a time when everything seems to get in your way of success. You may have spent considerable time and energy trying to make something criticism-proof, yet the responses you receive can be frustrating, non-existent, or even resentful.
Insisting that everything works according to your plan or schedule can create a one-way energy system. And the problem with that is that the energy cannot renew itself. It's a dead end. So you do a lot, but then the energy dries up and you wonder, why? what happened? Things may have seemed to be going great, but they were just going your way, and/or you did not create a path for the energy to flow back; receiving energy seems to be blocked or slowed way down.
How can you make this time less frustrating and more productive? Patience! And build a path for the energy to return. Let yourself receive positive energy, don't block it by feeling the frustration or thinking there's never enough. That's the old scare-city mentality. There IS enough, but you may need to accept building patiently now if you want to continue to be productive.
with Love&Light,
If you like the free articles on this blog, let me know by buying my absolute favorite gift - an Amazon gift certificate. My email is Click Here! thanks so much:-)
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Venus Retrograde: reawakening to your love
Why don't we make big changes that will improve our lives, free ourselves of the things we don't like, make major strides, live in our love?
We resist changing tooo quickly. We hold on and resist making changes that are too sudden or sped up.
So we make excuses, stall for time. We search for the key to change our lives, yet when we find it, we're not really ready, at that moment, to make a commitment to change. So we slow it down, think it over, make our own terms, get ready,,, slowly.
As Mars squares Neptune while Venus stations Retrograde, change is almost impossible, especially if you've lost your faith in your inner process. You need your intuition now, and shutting yourself off from it can be dangerously misleading and confusing.
You can benefit from Venus Retrograde, if you realize the key to understanding its energy. I've written too much for the blog, so for more on Venus Retrograde, please sign up for my completely free newsletter, ArtCharts Express. Here's a link so you can get my article on Venus Retrograde-- free! Thanks, i'm looking forward to sharing my insights and inspirations on Venus Retrograde 2007.
sign up for ArtCharts Express
Venus will be Retrograde for 40 days and 40 nights. More to come on Venus Retrograde 2007.
with Love&Light,
If you like the free articles on this blog, let Lauren know by buying her absolute favorite gift - an Amazon gift certificate. Her email is Click Here!
We resist changing tooo quickly. We hold on and resist making changes that are too sudden or sped up.
So we make excuses, stall for time. We search for the key to change our lives, yet when we find it, we're not really ready, at that moment, to make a commitment to change. So we slow it down, think it over, make our own terms, get ready,,, slowly.
As Mars squares Neptune while Venus stations Retrograde, change is almost impossible, especially if you've lost your faith in your inner process. You need your intuition now, and shutting yourself off from it can be dangerously misleading and confusing.
You can benefit from Venus Retrograde, if you realize the key to understanding its energy. I've written too much for the blog, so for more on Venus Retrograde, please sign up for my completely free newsletter, ArtCharts Express. Here's a link so you can get my article on Venus Retrograde-- free! Thanks, i'm looking forward to sharing my insights and inspirations on Venus Retrograde 2007.
sign up for ArtCharts Express
Venus will be Retrograde for 40 days and 40 nights. More to come on Venus Retrograde 2007.
with Love&Light,
If you like the free articles on this blog, let Lauren know by buying her absolute favorite gift - an Amazon gift certificate. Her email is Click Here!
Monday, July 23, 2007
Message from Mars: part 2
Mars takes action this week, even if it seems to be in slow motion.
Mars is square Neptune (7/23) AND Saturn (7/31), highlighting the current Saturn-Neptune opposition, and creating a fixed t-square. It is time to take action that comes from your own intentions.
Mars and Venus are about giving and receiving. If you are only taking, thinking you are "getting over" and not giving back, this is a deficit within you which comes from not believing you have anything worth giving, from thinking that you could never improve yourself, so why bother? This is apathy, the lowest level of energy. It keeps you stuck. What percentage do you have in remaining stuck? You may have good reasons to remain stuck, but they are all around not believing in yourself or your contribution.
Mars at this crucial focal point of the Saturn-Neptune opposition creates a t-square, an astrological aspect that means ACTION-- things can't "just go on", something has to give, something has to happen so that meaningful change can occur.
If your ego is getting in the way of expressing your passion and acting in a compassionate manner, it will be more obvious this week. If your intention is to prove who is right, prove your point, and keep your ego on top, you will somehow miss out, hit too hard, use your aggression instead of your assertiveness, creating anger and frustration instead of letting your confidence lead you to a positive perspective and a more successful outcome. This is because you are not using your potential, not coming from your love, not being open to yourself, so how could you be open to anyone else?
The problem is Mars square Neptune can make you unsure of yourself while Mars square Saturn can bring out your fears, making you think that they are correct, encouraging you to ACT on them. this can put you right into a negative spin. While you can harness this energy into a productive use, you can also create more blocks and impasses by letting your ego having full control.
This week, Mars is calling you to get clear. Simple idea. But not so easy to do or we'd all be there already. What obstacles are preventing you from making the progress you would like to make now? Vague resentments are not contributing to a positive vibration and can be keeping you from feeling good about yourself, what you're doing, and your prospects for the future. In a word, you can feel stuck in a negative pattern.
It's a blessing if your negative subconscious feelings come to light now because that gives you the freedom to create meaningful, lasting change that helps you to be yourself and manifest your higher good and abundance. But it will take commitment to make changes.
Perhaps you can find a safe place to be open with yourself so you can focus on clearing out some of the old debris that is clogging your energy, making you feel guilty and undeserving of the bright and positive energy that is also around you, if you chose to see it. If you can free your energy from guilt, defeat, blame, anger, and vague feelings of resentment, you can feel a lot more free, encouraged, positive.
Instead of blaming yourself and letting your frustrations continue to hold you back, you can make decisions that free your energy and allow you to move forward again. Writing down your goals can help you to slow down enough to get clear about what you really want. Think of steps you CAN take to make progress, regardless of how small they may seem and insignificant to anyone else. The only judge is that you can do it. You have to start somewhere to break the inertia.
This is your opportunity to TAKE ACTION that creates positive change in your life. Commit and create.
with Love&Light,
If you like the free articles on this blog, let Lauren know by buying her absolute favorite gift - an Amazon gift certificate. Her email is Click Here!
Mars is square Neptune (7/23) AND Saturn (7/31), highlighting the current Saturn-Neptune opposition, and creating a fixed t-square. It is time to take action that comes from your own intentions.
Mars and Venus are about giving and receiving. If you are only taking, thinking you are "getting over" and not giving back, this is a deficit within you which comes from not believing you have anything worth giving, from thinking that you could never improve yourself, so why bother? This is apathy, the lowest level of energy. It keeps you stuck. What percentage do you have in remaining stuck? You may have good reasons to remain stuck, but they are all around not believing in yourself or your contribution.
Mars at this crucial focal point of the Saturn-Neptune opposition creates a t-square, an astrological aspect that means ACTION-- things can't "just go on", something has to give, something has to happen so that meaningful change can occur.
If your ego is getting in the way of expressing your passion and acting in a compassionate manner, it will be more obvious this week. If your intention is to prove who is right, prove your point, and keep your ego on top, you will somehow miss out, hit too hard, use your aggression instead of your assertiveness, creating anger and frustration instead of letting your confidence lead you to a positive perspective and a more successful outcome. This is because you are not using your potential, not coming from your love, not being open to yourself, so how could you be open to anyone else?
The problem is Mars square Neptune can make you unsure of yourself while Mars square Saturn can bring out your fears, making you think that they are correct, encouraging you to ACT on them. this can put you right into a negative spin. While you can harness this energy into a productive use, you can also create more blocks and impasses by letting your ego having full control.
This week, Mars is calling you to get clear. Simple idea. But not so easy to do or we'd all be there already. What obstacles are preventing you from making the progress you would like to make now? Vague resentments are not contributing to a positive vibration and can be keeping you from feeling good about yourself, what you're doing, and your prospects for the future. In a word, you can feel stuck in a negative pattern.
It's a blessing if your negative subconscious feelings come to light now because that gives you the freedom to create meaningful, lasting change that helps you to be yourself and manifest your higher good and abundance. But it will take commitment to make changes.
Perhaps you can find a safe place to be open with yourself so you can focus on clearing out some of the old debris that is clogging your energy, making you feel guilty and undeserving of the bright and positive energy that is also around you, if you chose to see it. If you can free your energy from guilt, defeat, blame, anger, and vague feelings of resentment, you can feel a lot more free, encouraged, positive.
Instead of blaming yourself and letting your frustrations continue to hold you back, you can make decisions that free your energy and allow you to move forward again. Writing down your goals can help you to slow down enough to get clear about what you really want. Think of steps you CAN take to make progress, regardless of how small they may seem and insignificant to anyone else. The only judge is that you can do it. You have to start somewhere to break the inertia.
This is your opportunity to TAKE ACTION that creates positive change in your life. Commit and create.
with Love&Light,
If you like the free articles on this blog, let Lauren know by buying her absolute favorite gift - an Amazon gift certificate. Her email is Click Here!
Friday, July 20, 2007
Message from Mars
If you subscribe to artcharts newsletter, which is 100% free, you probably remember that action planet Mars is very active right now. Just as Venus is hanging stationery in orbit, hardly moving at all as she prepares for a RETROGRADE station this coming week. What can THIS do to your love life, nevermind your cash flow???
Before you think about love and money, Mars has a message for your ego.
Mars is sextile Uranus right now. This means there is more available energy--- for certain purposes! It's a good time to take initiative to connect with your goals, friends, groups, astrologer! Have a plan of action? It's time to TAKE action. Ask a favor. Connect with other individuals or groups doing similar work, find ways you can integrate your individual intentions with what the group is working to accomplish. Perhaps there's an opportunity if you're willing to pool your resources, cash, information, discoveries, you may be pleasantly surprised at the potential for a win-win outcome.
But in astrology, one aspect is never the whole story. It's part. But it's not the whole picture.
Monday, July 23, Mars is square Neptune, while Venus is stationing Retrograde (July 27). What you stand up for and demand to have NOW may be exactly what works against you most. You could expend a lot of energy for something that is really not what you want, need, or will be satisfied with. And if you're really pushy and refuse to live in harmony with the rest of the planetary citizens, you can actually wind up with more of what you DON'T want. Have you really won? What? Do you thrive on the constant drama of increased tension, or are you able to be open to the harmony of the universe, willing to work cooperatively for a greater good?
Maybe not. Maybe you have to have your way, and maybe you'll get it. But you may not be happy with what you get as Mars squares Neptune and Venus stations Retrograde. If you're feeling discouraged, who did you hope to discourage? cut off?negate? deny? reject? What or who are you trying to control? How are you focusing your energy on others that could be re-focused on yourself? Where do you HAVE to be right? There's your potential energy leak.
Mars square Neptune can encourage actions that show your inner truth, even if you would rather keep it hidden so you can appear to be what you fear you're not. Ironically, the more you try to hide your subconscious, the more obvious it can become to others-- especially now. How much energy do you expend making sure you keep certain parts of yourself hidden so you get approval? Maintain control? Feel superior? Does that extend to telling others why they can't possibly succeed? Besides all the ENERGY your disapproval takes away from you, it also deposits layers of guilt, layers that only add to your own bad feelings about yourself, dramatically decreasing your available energy AND making relationships more treacherous than loving. So ill wishes really wind up as stumbling blocks on your own doorstep, or disguised as bad karma. This is how your disapproval zaps your energy.
Trying to pretend none of this is true is only going to make it more true. It happens to all of us in all our relationships. What to do? Let it go! Paint your own world, make it easy to succeed. Sabotaging others is sabotaging yourself. Look directly at your bad wishes. Don't try to escape them. Accept them. Then you can let them go. Maybe while Venus is Retrograde.
This is not about denying more, it's about being open and letting it go so you can increase your energy and make life fun, again.
Get your ego out of the way, and watch your conflicts dissolve!
with Love&Light,
If you like the free articles on this blog, let Lauren know by buying her absolute favorite gift - an Amazon gift certificate. Her email is Click Here!
Before you think about love and money, Mars has a message for your ego.
Mars is sextile Uranus right now. This means there is more available energy--- for certain purposes! It's a good time to take initiative to connect with your goals, friends, groups, astrologer! Have a plan of action? It's time to TAKE action. Ask a favor. Connect with other individuals or groups doing similar work, find ways you can integrate your individual intentions with what the group is working to accomplish. Perhaps there's an opportunity if you're willing to pool your resources, cash, information, discoveries, you may be pleasantly surprised at the potential for a win-win outcome.
But in astrology, one aspect is never the whole story. It's part. But it's not the whole picture.
Monday, July 23, Mars is square Neptune, while Venus is stationing Retrograde (July 27). What you stand up for and demand to have NOW may be exactly what works against you most. You could expend a lot of energy for something that is really not what you want, need, or will be satisfied with. And if you're really pushy and refuse to live in harmony with the rest of the planetary citizens, you can actually wind up with more of what you DON'T want. Have you really won? What? Do you thrive on the constant drama of increased tension, or are you able to be open to the harmony of the universe, willing to work cooperatively for a greater good?
Maybe not. Maybe you have to have your way, and maybe you'll get it. But you may not be happy with what you get as Mars squares Neptune and Venus stations Retrograde. If you're feeling discouraged, who did you hope to discourage? cut off?negate? deny? reject? What or who are you trying to control? How are you focusing your energy on others that could be re-focused on yourself? Where do you HAVE to be right? There's your potential energy leak.
Mars square Neptune can encourage actions that show your inner truth, even if you would rather keep it hidden so you can appear to be what you fear you're not. Ironically, the more you try to hide your subconscious, the more obvious it can become to others-- especially now. How much energy do you expend making sure you keep certain parts of yourself hidden so you get approval? Maintain control? Feel superior? Does that extend to telling others why they can't possibly succeed? Besides all the ENERGY your disapproval takes away from you, it also deposits layers of guilt, layers that only add to your own bad feelings about yourself, dramatically decreasing your available energy AND making relationships more treacherous than loving. So ill wishes really wind up as stumbling blocks on your own doorstep, or disguised as bad karma. This is how your disapproval zaps your energy.
Trying to pretend none of this is true is only going to make it more true. It happens to all of us in all our relationships. What to do? Let it go! Paint your own world, make it easy to succeed. Sabotaging others is sabotaging yourself. Look directly at your bad wishes. Don't try to escape them. Accept them. Then you can let them go. Maybe while Venus is Retrograde.
This is not about denying more, it's about being open and letting it go so you can increase your energy and make life fun, again.
Get your ego out of the way, and watch your conflicts dissolve!
with Love&Light,
If you like the free articles on this blog, let Lauren know by buying her absolute favorite gift - an Amazon gift certificate. Her email is Click Here!
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Let your light shine
Here's a quote from Marianne Williamson i thought would be appropriate for today
"Your playing small doesn't serve the world.
There's nothing enlightened about shrinking
so that other people won't feel insecure.
We were born to make manifest
the glory of God that is within us.
It's not just in some of us, it's in everyone!
And as we let our light shine, we unconsciously
give other people the permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear,
our presence automatically liberates others."
--- Marianne Williamson
Make this a fabulous day!
If you like the free articles on this blog, let Lauren know by buying her absolute favorite gift - an Amazon gift certificate. Her email is Click Here!
"Your playing small doesn't serve the world.
There's nothing enlightened about shrinking
so that other people won't feel insecure.
We were born to make manifest
the glory of God that is within us.
It's not just in some of us, it's in everyone!
And as we let our light shine, we unconsciously
give other people the permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear,
our presence automatically liberates others."
--- Marianne Williamson
Make this a fabulous day!
If you like the free articles on this blog, let Lauren know by buying her absolute favorite gift - an Amazon gift certificate. Her email is Click Here!
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Mother Earth is HOT
Didn't intend to publish this yet,,,, still writing. But this IS a Mars transit! things happen toooo fast. More coming about Mars-Ceres, exactly conjunct now.
Ceres and Mars are conjunct in the Earth sign of Taurus. The Earth is HOT. Mother Earth is HOT. We are receiving an important message-- Mother Earth is heating up and needs our help! We need to nurture the Earth, immediately. We need to crusade FOR the Earth who nutures all of us.
Very timely, check out Read the story and participate if you are motivated (another Mars theme).
If you like the free articles on this blog, let Lauren know by buying her absolute favorite gift - an Amazon gift certificate. Her email is Click Here!
Ceres and Mars are conjunct in the Earth sign of Taurus. The Earth is HOT. Mother Earth is HOT. We are receiving an important message-- Mother Earth is heating up and needs our help! We need to nurture the Earth, immediately. We need to crusade FOR the Earth who nutures all of us.
Very timely, check out Read the story and participate if you are motivated (another Mars theme).
If you like the free articles on this blog, let Lauren know by buying her absolute favorite gift - an Amazon gift certificate. Her email is Click Here!
Monday, July 9, 2007
Mercury Direct!
Mercury makes a DIRECT station tonight!
Are you as excited as i am? I'm going to send out the first edition of Artcharts Express, my new astrology newsletter, as soon as Mercury makes its Direct station, 10:16 PM EDT.
Was this also a tough Mercury RX for you? I've heard stories.... and would LOVE for you to share yours on this blog.
Mercury stationing DIRECT in CANCER an appropriate time to retrain your mind and release old programming that keeps you in a RUT.
As Mercury makes its DIRECT station, Mercury is semisquare Venus-Saturn and Mars, putting Mercury roughly at the Venus/Mars midpoint, which will continue to intensity through the last week of July.
Your mind can be revolving around a love issue, going back and forth, unsure of your feelings, decisions, desires. Are you looking for problems? If so, your mind will find them! It could be time to set yourself free and release your WANTS so you can actually attain them! Sound confusing, it's not! WANTING implies lack. Training your mind to want gives you what you don't want--more of the same, or less of what you want.
Mercury semisquare Saturn shows your mind stuck in fear. If you're expecting judgments, looking for limits, only noticing faults, in others and in yourself, you can be moving forward in very slow motion, if at all.
Moon semisquare Mars is a stress aspect. Your mind is searching for stress, focusing on it. It's much harder, if not impossible, to solve problems when you're stressed. If you operate in default mode, you can find yourself getting angry and frustrated when you're too pressured to think clearly. Is the criticism you spread justified, or are you just finding fault because you're dreading something, hiding your fear, afraid of being judged and not getting the approval you would really like. Can you let that go?
WANTING or HAVING, it's your choice!
If you're especially frustrated about NOT getting what you WANT now, how can you let it go? Sure, what you WANT is vitally important. But the message you're giving your own mind is: you WANT it, so you don't HAVE it. Just try to make this shift. There's no failure possible!
With love&light,
If you like the free articles on this blog, let Lauren know by buying her absolute favorite gift - an Amazon gift certificate. Her email is Click Here!
Are you as excited as i am? I'm going to send out the first edition of Artcharts Express, my new astrology newsletter, as soon as Mercury makes its Direct station, 10:16 PM EDT.
Was this also a tough Mercury RX for you? I've heard stories.... and would LOVE for you to share yours on this blog.
Mercury stationing DIRECT in CANCER an appropriate time to retrain your mind and release old programming that keeps you in a RUT.
As Mercury makes its DIRECT station, Mercury is semisquare Venus-Saturn and Mars, putting Mercury roughly at the Venus/Mars midpoint, which will continue to intensity through the last week of July.
Your mind can be revolving around a love issue, going back and forth, unsure of your feelings, decisions, desires. Are you looking for problems? If so, your mind will find them! It could be time to set yourself free and release your WANTS so you can actually attain them! Sound confusing, it's not! WANTING implies lack. Training your mind to want gives you what you don't want--more of the same, or less of what you want.
Mercury semisquare Saturn shows your mind stuck in fear. If you're expecting judgments, looking for limits, only noticing faults, in others and in yourself, you can be moving forward in very slow motion, if at all.
Moon semisquare Mars is a stress aspect. Your mind is searching for stress, focusing on it. It's much harder, if not impossible, to solve problems when you're stressed. If you operate in default mode, you can find yourself getting angry and frustrated when you're too pressured to think clearly. Is the criticism you spread justified, or are you just finding fault because you're dreading something, hiding your fear, afraid of being judged and not getting the approval you would really like. Can you let that go?
WANTING or HAVING, it's your choice!
If you're especially frustrated about NOT getting what you WANT now, how can you let it go? Sure, what you WANT is vitally important. But the message you're giving your own mind is: you WANT it, so you don't HAVE it. Just try to make this shift. There's no failure possible!
With love&light,
If you like the free articles on this blog, let Lauren know by buying her absolute favorite gift - an Amazon gift certificate. Her email is Click Here!
Sunday, July 8, 2007
Soul Fire: available now
There's a short but exciting astrological event happening now. Yes, Mercury is stationing Direct, finally! But beyond Mercury, Venus is trine Pluto.
What makes you passionate? What gets you so excited you can't wait to make friends and money? What makes your spirit soar, reminds you that you HAVE energy to burn?!
Sure, you may say, i've gone for many things i've wanted in my life, only to be disappointed or frustrated. But that's not all that's happened in the past. There ARE times you've succeeded, without seeming to have tried. What makes these different?
Confidence. You are so SURE you are going to WIN, you do! When you feel the weight of "old baggage" making you feel like you have to push hard, manipulate more, gain control at all costs, there's no point (and no one responds anyway). Who wants more old baggage? Whether you're trying to score money or love, you (usually) don't get what you want when you want it SO badly it shows.
But today there's a Venus-Pluto trine. You've already WON BIG by FEELING your intensity. You already sense you can WIN. What works for you, works for the other person too. It's mutual. It's win-win.
But again, what makes this different? When you remove your feelings of HAVING to HAVE-- or else!, you are releasing your judgments of yourself, and others. Your enthusiasm is natural and contagious. This makes it easier for you to receive whatever you are most passionate about, whatever makes you feel most creative and alive.
You don't need to be pushed to make love or money now, you can naturally attract your desires. If you don't have a partner and aren't ambitious to increase your income, you can use this time to get more deeply in touch with your inner drive and creativity.
Whatever your situation, you can benefit by probing beneath the surface of your desires as Venus trines Pluto. Let your soul-fire shine!
What makes you passionate? What gets you so excited you can't wait to make friends and money? What makes your spirit soar, reminds you that you HAVE energy to burn?!
Sure, you may say, i've gone for many things i've wanted in my life, only to be disappointed or frustrated. But that's not all that's happened in the past. There ARE times you've succeeded, without seeming to have tried. What makes these different?
Confidence. You are so SURE you are going to WIN, you do! When you feel the weight of "old baggage" making you feel like you have to push hard, manipulate more, gain control at all costs, there's no point (and no one responds anyway). Who wants more old baggage? Whether you're trying to score money or love, you (usually) don't get what you want when you want it SO badly it shows.
But today there's a Venus-Pluto trine. You've already WON BIG by FEELING your intensity. You already sense you can WIN. What works for you, works for the other person too. It's mutual. It's win-win.
But again, what makes this different? When you remove your feelings of HAVING to HAVE-- or else!, you are releasing your judgments of yourself, and others. Your enthusiasm is natural and contagious. This makes it easier for you to receive whatever you are most passionate about, whatever makes you feel most creative and alive.
You don't need to be pushed to make love or money now, you can naturally attract your desires. If you don't have a partner and aren't ambitious to increase your income, you can use this time to get more deeply in touch with your inner drive and creativity.
Whatever your situation, you can benefit by probing beneath the surface of your desires as Venus trines Pluto. Let your soul-fire shine!
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Happy July 4th
Happy Independence Day! It's pouring here in NYS, raining out tonight's fireworks. So let's celebrate our FREEDOM with some online energy. There's nothing like self-knowledge to set you free. Happy 4th,
ps, artcharts express, our new free Astrologoy newsletter, is ready and will be sent within the next few days. until Monday morning, 7/9, you can still subscribe and get the first issue. it's completely free and comes right to your email
click here to sign up for your FREE Newsletter !
ps, artcharts express, our new free Astrologoy newsletter, is ready and will be sent within the next few days. until Monday morning, 7/9, you can still subscribe and get the first issue. it's completely free and comes right to your email
click here to sign up for your FREE Newsletter !
Monday, July 2, 2007
Venus and Saturn: doing the slow dance
Venus and Saturn are conjunct. You can see them together as they set in the evening sky. Venus is bright, Saturn is milky.
Venus usually moves quickly, so Venus aspects usually last a day, with a margin on either side. But right now, Venus is slowing down to make a Retrograde station on July 27, 2007. This means Venus is closest to the Earth now, which is why the planet is so bright after sunset.
And this is not the last time Venus and Saturn will be close. It will happen again in August (while Venus is Retrograde) and again in October (after Venus stations Direct).
With Venus so close to Saturn (and the Earth) for several months, this is not a time to take love lightly. Committed relationships are favored. Anyone who loves will expect their partner to prove their responsibility to the relationship, their partner, and to themselves. Business will be done in traditional ways, with conventional methods and companies favored.
Money may not flow easily, and you may rather conserve your cash than spend, although you will spend on what you absolutely need. But anything to further your growth or indulge your senses get put on hold, even though those needs are increasingly strong with Mars transiting in possession-loving Taurus.
Briefly today (Monday, July 2), the Moon and Mars square. This is a short-term event that can color your day. Moon in Aquarius squares Mars in Taurus, and the pull between doing the socially-correct thing and actively pursuing what YOU want can make you feel that your efforts are not in keeping with what everyone wants. How are your own (material) desires interfering with your own progress and energy flow? Try not to let irritations or rejections interfere with your homelife or inner peace.
Venus usually moves quickly, so Venus aspects usually last a day, with a margin on either side. But right now, Venus is slowing down to make a Retrograde station on July 27, 2007. This means Venus is closest to the Earth now, which is why the planet is so bright after sunset.
And this is not the last time Venus and Saturn will be close. It will happen again in August (while Venus is Retrograde) and again in October (after Venus stations Direct).
With Venus so close to Saturn (and the Earth) for several months, this is not a time to take love lightly. Committed relationships are favored. Anyone who loves will expect their partner to prove their responsibility to the relationship, their partner, and to themselves. Business will be done in traditional ways, with conventional methods and companies favored.
Money may not flow easily, and you may rather conserve your cash than spend, although you will spend on what you absolutely need. But anything to further your growth or indulge your senses get put on hold, even though those needs are increasingly strong with Mars transiting in possession-loving Taurus.
Briefly today (Monday, July 2), the Moon and Mars square. This is a short-term event that can color your day. Moon in Aquarius squares Mars in Taurus, and the pull between doing the socially-correct thing and actively pursuing what YOU want can make you feel that your efforts are not in keeping with what everyone wants. How are your own (material) desires interfering with your own progress and energy flow? Try not to let irritations or rejections interfere with your homelife or inner peace.
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