Monday, July 23, 2007

Message from Mars: part 2

Mars takes action this week, even if it seems to be in slow motion.

Mars is square Neptune (7/23) AND Saturn (7/31), highlighting the current Saturn-Neptune opposition, and creating a fixed t-square. It is time to take action that comes from your own intentions.

Mars and Venus are about giving and receiving. If you are only taking, thinking you are "getting over" and not giving back, this is a deficit within you which comes from not believing you have anything worth giving, from thinking that you could never improve yourself, so why bother? This is apathy, the lowest level of energy. It keeps you stuck. What percentage do you have in remaining stuck? You may have good reasons to remain stuck, but they are all around not believing in yourself or your contribution.

Mars at this crucial focal point of the Saturn-Neptune opposition creates a t-square, an astrological aspect that means ACTION-- things can't "just go on", something has to give, something has to happen so that meaningful change can occur.

If your ego is getting in the way of expressing your passion and acting in a compassionate manner, it will be more obvious this week. If your intention is to prove who is right, prove your point, and keep your ego on top, you will somehow miss out, hit too hard, use your aggression instead of your assertiveness, creating anger and frustration instead of letting your confidence lead you to a positive perspective and a more successful outcome. This is because you are not using your potential, not coming from your love, not being open to yourself, so how could you be open to anyone else?

The problem is Mars square Neptune can make you unsure of yourself while Mars square Saturn can bring out your fears, making you think that they are correct, encouraging you to ACT on them. this can put you right into a negative spin. While you can harness this energy into a productive use, you can also create more blocks and impasses by letting your ego having full control.

This week, Mars is calling you to get clear. Simple idea. But not so easy to do or we'd all be there already. What obstacles are preventing you from making the progress you would like to make now? Vague resentments are not contributing to a positive vibration and can be keeping you from feeling good about yourself, what you're doing, and your prospects for the future. In a word, you can feel stuck in a negative pattern.

It's a blessing if your negative subconscious feelings come to light now because that gives you the freedom to create meaningful, lasting change that helps you to be yourself and manifest your higher good and abundance. But it will take commitment to make changes.

Perhaps you can find a safe place to be open with yourself so you can focus on clearing out some of the old debris that is clogging your energy, making you feel guilty and undeserving of the bright and positive energy that is also around you, if you chose to see it. If you can free your energy from guilt, defeat, blame, anger, and vague feelings of resentment, you can feel a lot more free, encouraged, positive.

Instead of blaming yourself and letting your frustrations continue to hold you back, you can make decisions that free your energy and allow you to move forward again. Writing down your goals can help you to slow down enough to get clear about what you really want. Think of steps you CAN take to make progress, regardless of how small they may seem and insignificant to anyone else. The only judge is that you can do it. You have to start somewhere to break the inertia.

This is your opportunity to TAKE ACTION that creates positive change in your life. Commit and create.

with Love&Light,

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