Monday, July 30, 2007


Mars, the ACTION planet, is in the hot seat.

Mars is exactly square Saturn Tuesday and is also square Neptune, creating a tense t-square that DEMANDS action while making it more difficult to TAKE action.

Outside, expect HOT weather. On the personal level, there is an opportunity to free up STUCK energy and start moving towards achieving your goals. How? FOCUS.

If your FOCUS is on what you see as problems and imperfections, that is what you will continue to get, and more of it. Goals will be more frustrating than motivating, and your resistance will keep things exactly the way they are, even if you SAY you want change.

If you can look at the world and the offerings presented to you as having the potential to change, inform, and emotionally uplift your psychological energy, you can move past limiting patterns and beliefs. If all you find are faults, you are meeting your own resistance to your own passions and motivation. You can't FOCUS on gratitude and appreciation when you are blaming and assigning guilt. And-- you can't feel guilt and blame when you are FOCUSing on your gratitude and appreciation.

If you let past events determine your future, you are likely to hold on to the same fear, guilt, and inhibitions that have always limited your actions. Despite WANTING better things in your life, you will continue to self-sabotage and not receive your dream life. If you can stand on your own and take action based on what YOU know is right-action, you can start to move forward. Otherwise, you can continue to seek support and continue to find fault in how it is given.

with Love&Light,

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