Friday, July 20, 2007

Message from Mars

If you subscribe to artcharts newsletter, which is 100% free, you probably remember that action planet Mars is very active right now. Just as Venus is hanging stationery in orbit, hardly moving at all as she prepares for a RETROGRADE station this coming week. What can THIS do to your love life, nevermind your cash flow???

Before you think about love and money, Mars has a message for your ego.

Mars is sextile Uranus right now. This means there is more available energy--- for certain purposes! It's a good time to take initiative to connect with your goals, friends, groups, astrologer! Have a plan of action? It's time to TAKE action. Ask a favor. Connect with other individuals or groups doing similar work, find ways you can integrate your individual intentions with what the group is working to accomplish. Perhaps there's an opportunity if you're willing to pool your resources, cash, information, discoveries, you may be pleasantly surprised at the potential for a win-win outcome.

But in astrology, one aspect is never the whole story. It's part. But it's not the whole picture.

Monday, July 23, Mars is square Neptune, while Venus is stationing Retrograde (July 27). What you stand up for and demand to have NOW may be exactly what works against you most. You could expend a lot of energy for something that is really not what you want, need, or will be satisfied with. And if you're really pushy and refuse to live in harmony with the rest of the planetary citizens, you can actually wind up with more of what you DON'T want. Have you really won? What? Do you thrive on the constant drama of increased tension, or are you able to be open to the harmony of the universe, willing to work cooperatively for a greater good?

Maybe not. Maybe you have to have your way, and maybe you'll get it. But you may not be happy with what you get as Mars squares Neptune and Venus stations Retrograde. If you're feeling discouraged, who did you hope to discourage? cut off?negate? deny? reject? What or who are you trying to control? How are you focusing your energy on others that could be re-focused on yourself? Where do you HAVE to be right? There's your potential energy leak.

Mars square Neptune can encourage actions that show your inner truth, even if you would rather keep it hidden so you can appear to be what you fear you're not. Ironically, the more you try to hide your subconscious, the more obvious it can become to others-- especially now. How much energy do you expend making sure you keep certain parts of yourself hidden so you get approval? Maintain control? Feel superior? Does that extend to telling others why they can't possibly succeed? Besides all the ENERGY your disapproval takes away from you, it also deposits layers of guilt, layers that only add to your own bad feelings about yourself, dramatically decreasing your available energy AND making relationships more treacherous than loving. So ill wishes really wind up as stumbling blocks on your own doorstep, or disguised as bad karma. This is how your disapproval zaps your energy.

Trying to pretend none of this is true is only going to make it more true. It happens to all of us in all our relationships. What to do? Let it go! Paint your own world, make it easy to succeed. Sabotaging others is sabotaging yourself. Look directly at your bad wishes. Don't try to escape them. Accept them. Then you can let them go. Maybe while Venus is Retrograde.

This is not about denying more, it's about being open and letting it go so you can increase your energy and make life fun, again.

Get your ego out of the way, and watch your conflicts dissolve!

with Love&Light,

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