The Lunar Eclipse Newsletter was sent to all subscribers this morning. I hope everyone is enjoying it. I'm getting lots of positive email, thanks:-)
A few clarifications on this hazy Pisces Full Moon--
Free stuff is fun. I collect plenty of it. If you sift through the bytes and pieces, you will start to see a pattern emerging. Many people seem to be having the same revelations and are trying to share, as well as profit.
Yet, as the planets, including slow-moving Saturn enters Virgo, we are at the doorway of a new phase, a time for new experiences. And these experiences will require more focus and discipline. The big brush strokes need more definition.
Dream a big future!
in Love&Light,
ArtCharts Vibe Watch Astrologyshares daily astrology information, inspiration, and insights about current astrological influences. Adjust your mood-- get the advice you're looking for and stay a step ahead with thistimely blog. Visit Artcharts online at artcharts.com
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Monday, August 27, 2007
Total Lunar Eclipse
It's Monday morning.
Overnight, just before sunrise on the East Coast, there is a Total Lunar Eclipse.
The next ArtCharts Express Newsletter is all about the Lunar Eclipse. If you would like to read and understand more about the themes that this Eclipse energizes, please sign up for the Newsletter. It's free-- there is no charge to you!
Here's a link to sign up for the ArtCharts Express Newsletter.
Hope to "see" you there!
in Love&Light,
ps, the Newsletter will be sent to subscribers later today, so sign up now:-)!
It's Monday morning.
Overnight, just before sunrise on the East Coast, there is a Total Lunar Eclipse.
The next ArtCharts Express Newsletter is all about the Lunar Eclipse. If you would like to read and understand more about the themes that this Eclipse energizes, please sign up for the Newsletter. It's free-- there is no charge to you!
Here's a link to sign up for the ArtCharts Express Newsletter.
Hope to "see" you there!
in Love&Light,
ps, the Newsletter will be sent to subscribers later today, so sign up now:-)!
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Very Virgo
It's Virgo.
The Sun is leading the planets into Virgo this year. Saturn and Mercury follow next week.
Virgo is the season to purify. It's been fun to enjoy everything, yet personal preferences begin to return. This is just your personal process unfolding.
To get organized, you will need to make decisions-- what will you need and what can you discard? What is YOU and what is NOT really you? This will be the stuff you cannot continue to carry.
Virgo is the time to take a closer look at what you're doing. Practice, edit, fix, test, clean, file, and polish.
Eat foods that make you feel good. Get into your exercise routine. And while the Sun is in Virgo, you'll naturally want to stay away from what you know is toxic or unhealthy for you. Virgo amplifies sensitivies because it's time to be more aware of the difference between what is beneficial and what is not. Virgo makes sorting a priority-- and makes it easier to do.
Don't just criticize, refine:-)
in Love&Light,
ps, you can learn more about the sign of Virgo on artcharts website. click here
pps, Here's a traditional Celtic Work Blessing that is a gift for the Sun entering Virgo. Feel free to post it, print it, and read it often.
Celtic Work Blessing
May the light of your soul guide you.
May the light of your soul bless the work that you do
with the secret love and warmth of your heart.
May you see in what you do the beauty of your own soul.
May the sacredness of your work bring healing, light and renewal to those who work with you
and to those who see and receive your work.
May your work never weary you.
May it release within you wellsprings of refreshment, inspiration and excitement.
May you be present in what you do.
May you never become lost in bland absences.
May the day never burden.
May dawn find you awake and alert,
approaching your new day with dreams, possibilities and promises.
May evening find you gracious and fulfilled.
May you go into the night blessed, sheltered and protected.
May your soul calm, console and renew you.
If you benefit from the free articles on this blog, let me know by buying my absolute favorite gift - an Amazon gift certificate. My email is lauren@artcharts.com Click Here! thanks:-)
The Sun is leading the planets into Virgo this year. Saturn and Mercury follow next week.
Virgo is the season to purify. It's been fun to enjoy everything, yet personal preferences begin to return. This is just your personal process unfolding.
To get organized, you will need to make decisions-- what will you need and what can you discard? What is YOU and what is NOT really you? This will be the stuff you cannot continue to carry.
Virgo is the time to take a closer look at what you're doing. Practice, edit, fix, test, clean, file, and polish.
Eat foods that make you feel good. Get into your exercise routine. And while the Sun is in Virgo, you'll naturally want to stay away from what you know is toxic or unhealthy for you. Virgo amplifies sensitivies because it's time to be more aware of the difference between what is beneficial and what is not. Virgo makes sorting a priority-- and makes it easier to do.
Don't just criticize, refine:-)
in Love&Light,
ps, you can learn more about the sign of Virgo on artcharts website. click here
pps, Here's a traditional Celtic Work Blessing that is a gift for the Sun entering Virgo. Feel free to post it, print it, and read it often.
Celtic Work Blessing
May the light of your soul guide you.
May the light of your soul bless the work that you do
with the secret love and warmth of your heart.
May you see in what you do the beauty of your own soul.
May the sacredness of your work bring healing, light and renewal to those who work with you
and to those who see and receive your work.
May your work never weary you.
May it release within you wellsprings of refreshment, inspiration and excitement.
May you be present in what you do.
May you never become lost in bland absences.
May the day never burden.
May dawn find you awake and alert,
approaching your new day with dreams, possibilities and promises.
May evening find you gracious and fulfilled.
May you go into the night blessed, sheltered and protected.
May your soul calm, console and renew you.
If you benefit from the free articles on this blog, let me know by buying my absolute favorite gift - an Amazon gift certificate. My email is lauren@artcharts.com Click Here! thanks:-)
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Easy winning: Mars opposes Jupiter
Mars is opposing Jupiter.
Is there a limit to too much?
You may seem to be on a winning streak. Luck is with you. So you go one more round-- double or nothing-- only to lose.
What happened?
When do you win? When do you get to enjoy what you've won? When do you live happily ever after?
How important is WINNING the competition? More than a friendship? More than the value of another person? More than your spiritual development? If you really think you are better than the "other guy", what you are competing against? Besides love, everything else is illusion.
By competing and excluding, you are actually getting closer to what you are competing against!
If you are DRAWN to someone or something-- if you want to compete -- you are being pulled to it, closer to it, not more separate as you think. Ironically, the competition you engage in may be exactly what you need to drop, let go of, release. But your ego's need to win can push you to interact, even though the interactions you engage in are not positive and only serve to drain your energy.
If you don't want to be bored, move on. Don't wait for others, because they are probably fine with just sitting there and continuing the same old competition that goes nowhere and vampires all your energy.
Filling emptiness with exaggerated expectations and false triumphs does not add to your progress or joy; yet it can add to your stress when things don't work out according to your high expectations. Friends who are overly impressed by your success can be out the door if and when they detect any imperfection or defect. If you take this on as a real, meaningful judgment of your Self, you are lost.
Pushing for instant wins is an attempt to please these "friends". Yet, impressing them is unlikely to give you satisfaction--- and is probably impossible anyway. They will always keep that carrot dangling just beyond your reach---- And you will always want to impress those you think are perpetually dissatisfied and endlessly unimpressible! Who, exactly, is boring?!
in Love&Light,
ps. I love giving and I am open to receiving! If you benefit from the free articles on this blog, let me know by buying my absolute favorite gift - an Amazon gift certificate. My email is lauren@artcharts.com Click Here! thanks:-)
Is there a limit to too much?
You may seem to be on a winning streak. Luck is with you. So you go one more round-- double or nothing-- only to lose.
What happened?
When do you win? When do you get to enjoy what you've won? When do you live happily ever after?
How important is WINNING the competition? More than a friendship? More than the value of another person? More than your spiritual development? If you really think you are better than the "other guy", what you are competing against? Besides love, everything else is illusion.
By competing and excluding, you are actually getting closer to what you are competing against!
If you are DRAWN to someone or something-- if you want to compete -- you are being pulled to it, closer to it, not more separate as you think. Ironically, the competition you engage in may be exactly what you need to drop, let go of, release. But your ego's need to win can push you to interact, even though the interactions you engage in are not positive and only serve to drain your energy.
If you don't want to be bored, move on. Don't wait for others, because they are probably fine with just sitting there and continuing the same old competition that goes nowhere and vampires all your energy.
Filling emptiness with exaggerated expectations and false triumphs does not add to your progress or joy; yet it can add to your stress when things don't work out according to your high expectations. Friends who are overly impressed by your success can be out the door if and when they detect any imperfection or defect. If you take this on as a real, meaningful judgment of your Self, you are lost.
Pushing for instant wins is an attempt to please these "friends". Yet, impressing them is unlikely to give you satisfaction--- and is probably impossible anyway. They will always keep that carrot dangling just beyond your reach---- And you will always want to impress those you think are perpetually dissatisfied and endlessly unimpressible! Who, exactly, is boring?!
in Love&Light,
ps. I love giving and I am open to receiving! If you benefit from the free articles on this blog, let me know by buying my absolute favorite gift - an Amazon gift certificate. My email is lauren@artcharts.com Click Here! thanks:-)
Monday, August 20, 2007
Obstacles, or steps to success?
On this Sun-Saturn conjunction in Leo, you can feel responsible and strong, serious and professional.
Are you working towards a goal? Are you succeeding? If not, why not? This is a good time to get clear about goals. (Saturn will enter Virgo September 2)
When you encounter obstacles to goals it can mean: 1- you need to change your goal, or 2- you need to improve your skills and find more creative ways to overcome blocks and start generating strength and success, even if you're not making big $, yet.
Get clear about your goal. Is it your goal, or is it something you think you "should" be doing. Should doesn't give you much energy or inspiration and makes everything more difficult and complicated to achieve.
Write it down. That makes it clear, which makes it more likely to become real.
If you are truly on the wrong path, be open to finding a better solution. There is more than one way to reach a goal. If you are a panic about not fulfilling a goal, remember that being overwhelmed does not help your creative problem-solving ability.
If doors continue to close, take a break. Do something for YOU. Take a walk, do something that inspires you, ask the right people for support or assistance. Wait until something in your best interests presents itself, and it will-- if you are open to it!
You have the power you need to create the life you want. Saturn is also trine Pluto, the aspect that saved the day for the financial markets last week. This is ultimate power and we each have it--- IF we think we do!
in Love&Light,
ps. I love giving and I am open to receiving! If you benefit from the free articles on this blog, let me know by buying my absolute favorite gift - an Amazon gift certificate. My email is lauren@artcharts.com Click Here! thanks:-)
Are you working towards a goal? Are you succeeding? If not, why not? This is a good time to get clear about goals. (Saturn will enter Virgo September 2)
When you encounter obstacles to goals it can mean: 1- you need to change your goal, or 2- you need to improve your skills and find more creative ways to overcome blocks and start generating strength and success, even if you're not making big $, yet.
Get clear about your goal. Is it your goal, or is it something you think you "should" be doing. Should doesn't give you much energy or inspiration and makes everything more difficult and complicated to achieve.
Write it down. That makes it clear, which makes it more likely to become real.
If you are truly on the wrong path, be open to finding a better solution. There is more than one way to reach a goal. If you are a panic about not fulfilling a goal, remember that being overwhelmed does not help your creative problem-solving ability.
If doors continue to close, take a break. Do something for YOU. Take a walk, do something that inspires you, ask the right people for support or assistance. Wait until something in your best interests presents itself, and it will-- if you are open to it!
You have the power you need to create the life you want. Saturn is also trine Pluto, the aspect that saved the day for the financial markets last week. This is ultimate power and we each have it--- IF we think we do!
in Love&Light,
ps. I love giving and I am open to receiving! If you benefit from the free articles on this blog, let me know by buying my absolute favorite gift - an Amazon gift certificate. My email is lauren@artcharts.com Click Here! thanks:-)
Good wishes meet resistance
When we send or receive good wishes, the very next thought is often: RESISTANCE.
We immediately start to think of all the REAL reasons our good wishes can't, shouldn't, won't come true. It's almost automatic, especially if we're on autopilot!
You may think that thinking well of yourself is not realistic and will only make you weak and self-satisfied. Yet, it is precisely this thought that keeps you stuck where you are.
Why is this theme so prevalent right now?
Because Saturn and the Sun are conjunct in late Leo. The Sun "rules" Leo. They are SOLAR archetypes-- how we shine and radiate our essential Self (Sun) has come under the scrutiny of Saturn (restrictions).
This week is also the time Venus becomes the Morning Star, called heliacal rising (rising before the Sun). This is a powerful moment in Mayan legend, when armies were sent marching, and the potential for the "gods" to go on a destructive rampage was almost guaranteed.
Jupiter and Mars are opposing (exact on Thursday, 8/23, but also strong and personal through the week as the Moon interacts, conjuncting Jupiter and opposing Mars on Tuesday, 8/21, increasing energy and enthusiasm, although a successful outcome may not manifest on command.
When you see someone doing something that interests you, that could be a sign -- this is something you can do, too. Instead of resenting the person or thinking there is a limited amount of space for all the people doing it successfully, try shifting your perspective to love and abundance and you can immediately realize -- "this could be something I'm good at too." Sure, you may not be a pro the first day, but education and practice and desire can change all that in a relatively short amount of time. To create something you want takes a commitment of time and money, but it is an investment in building your own future.
Resistance can also come through inflated expectations of others to always be perfect and to always meet our needs. That is not possible, so this actually keeps you feeling less-than, which feeds resentment. When you see someone doing something you think you can do better, do you get hyper critical of the person and look for reasons to invalidate their efforts? Insisting on perfection, yours or theirs, is a sure way to keep yourself apart from the abundance you would like in your life and is how many of us resist love and abundance when we do not feel ready or capable of taking on more responsibility.
So where are you right now in your ability to take on more responsibility?
As you journey towards reconnecting with self-love, remember we maintain our own limits and keep ourselves in a bind. We resist. Even if a solution is just a thought away! When we are overwhelmed thinking "I can't", we don't think beyond that point.
We think we can't afford something, yet the funds are right there! We say we don't have what we need, yet what we are being offered something that could help us out of a jam and into a more lucrative situation.
Can you give yourself enough self-acceptance to open a pathway to more love and abundance?
in Love&Light,
If you benefit from the free articles on this blog, let me know by buying my absolute favorite gift - an Amazon gift certificate. My email is lauren@artcharts.com Click Here! thanks:-)
We immediately start to think of all the REAL reasons our good wishes can't, shouldn't, won't come true. It's almost automatic, especially if we're on autopilot!
You may think that thinking well of yourself is not realistic and will only make you weak and self-satisfied. Yet, it is precisely this thought that keeps you stuck where you are.
Why is this theme so prevalent right now?
Because Saturn and the Sun are conjunct in late Leo. The Sun "rules" Leo. They are SOLAR archetypes-- how we shine and radiate our essential Self (Sun) has come under the scrutiny of Saturn (restrictions).
This week is also the time Venus becomes the Morning Star, called heliacal rising (rising before the Sun). This is a powerful moment in Mayan legend, when armies were sent marching, and the potential for the "gods" to go on a destructive rampage was almost guaranteed.
Jupiter and Mars are opposing (exact on Thursday, 8/23, but also strong and personal through the week as the Moon interacts, conjuncting Jupiter and opposing Mars on Tuesday, 8/21, increasing energy and enthusiasm, although a successful outcome may not manifest on command.
When you see someone doing something that interests you, that could be a sign -- this is something you can do, too. Instead of resenting the person or thinking there is a limited amount of space for all the people doing it successfully, try shifting your perspective to love and abundance and you can immediately realize -- "this could be something I'm good at too." Sure, you may not be a pro the first day, but education and practice and desire can change all that in a relatively short amount of time. To create something you want takes a commitment of time and money, but it is an investment in building your own future.
Resistance can also come through inflated expectations of others to always be perfect and to always meet our needs. That is not possible, so this actually keeps you feeling less-than, which feeds resentment. When you see someone doing something you think you can do better, do you get hyper critical of the person and look for reasons to invalidate their efforts? Insisting on perfection, yours or theirs, is a sure way to keep yourself apart from the abundance you would like in your life and is how many of us resist love and abundance when we do not feel ready or capable of taking on more responsibility.
So where are you right now in your ability to take on more responsibility?
As you journey towards reconnecting with self-love, remember we maintain our own limits and keep ourselves in a bind. We resist. Even if a solution is just a thought away! When we are overwhelmed thinking "I can't", we don't think beyond that point.
We think we can't afford something, yet the funds are right there! We say we don't have what we need, yet what we are being offered something that could help us out of a jam and into a more lucrative situation.
Can you give yourself enough self-acceptance to open a pathway to more love and abundance?
in Love&Light,
If you benefit from the free articles on this blog, let me know by buying my absolute favorite gift - an Amazon gift certificate. My email is lauren@artcharts.com Click Here! thanks:-)
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Venus and the Sun: magic hour
Venus and the Sun conjunct on August 17 at 11:42 pm edt.
(This is an "inferior" conjunction, called this because it happens when Venus is Retrograde.)
As the Sun and Venus conjunct, your sense of self-value may be obscured or in question. You may even feel overpowered by higher powers.
If you are (secretly) wondering what you are worth to the world, this week can stir up so many intense emotions. Before you determine your true value, don't forget your essential (Sun) Self-- the YOU that is always divine and always perfect. In the realm of spirit, no one person is worth more than another. We are all divine, except when we view ourselves from the perspective of others or our egos. Then we will never feel valued or good-enough. We don't feel the approval of others, so we don't value ourselves. And the cycle continues....
This Venus-Sun transit (conjunct Saturn and trine Pluto) is an opportunity to experience a transition or shift in how you feel about yourself. A feeling of positive self-worth that comes from within can transform how you relate to others, from friends to associates to loving partners.
If you are questioning your self-worth, this is a time you can tune into your own awareness. If you are questioning your love for someone, you may feel an intense desire to merge in a way that blends love and commitment.
Focus on your love and make magic!
in Love&Light,
ps, i encourage you to work on your love relationships by using the Love Forecast, a guide to allowing love in your life, written especially for you.
If you benefit from the free articles on this blog, let me know by buying my absolute favorite gift - an Amazon gift certificate. My email is lauren@artcharts.com Click Here! thanks:-)
(This is an "inferior" conjunction, called this because it happens when Venus is Retrograde.)
As the Sun and Venus conjunct, your sense of self-value may be obscured or in question. You may even feel overpowered by higher powers.
If you are (secretly) wondering what you are worth to the world, this week can stir up so many intense emotions. Before you determine your true value, don't forget your essential (Sun) Self-- the YOU that is always divine and always perfect. In the realm of spirit, no one person is worth more than another. We are all divine, except when we view ourselves from the perspective of others or our egos. Then we will never feel valued or good-enough. We don't feel the approval of others, so we don't value ourselves. And the cycle continues....
This Venus-Sun transit (conjunct Saturn and trine Pluto) is an opportunity to experience a transition or shift in how you feel about yourself. A feeling of positive self-worth that comes from within can transform how you relate to others, from friends to associates to loving partners.
If you are questioning your self-worth, this is a time you can tune into your own awareness. If you are questioning your love for someone, you may feel an intense desire to merge in a way that blends love and commitment.
Focus on your love and make magic!
in Love&Light,
ps, i encourage you to work on your love relationships by using the Love Forecast, a guide to allowing love in your life, written especially for you.
If you benefit from the free articles on this blog, let me know by buying my absolute favorite gift - an Amazon gift certificate. My email is lauren@artcharts.com Click Here! thanks:-)
Monday, August 13, 2007
Happy Birthday Ivory!

It's our dog Ivory's 10th Birthday!
We're celebrating and we invite you to join us.
The ArtCharts Canine Report usually sells for $10, but through August 2007, you can get a Canine Report for your dog for $20. Hmmm. That's double! Yes! And we will donate 50% of all sales to our local animal shelter in Saugerties, NY. Those dogs and cats could really use some help. This is a great way to get your dog's chart done AND have the satisfying feeling of having made a donation to dogs and cats without homes.
Click to visit the Saugerties Animal Shelter
I will report back on this blog let you know exactly how much I am able to donate to the shelter, including documentation of the donation. Let's give!
in Love&Light,
and Ivory, Sparky, Philippe, and Muddy
ps. updating as promised:-) we're still hoping for a donation!
Special for your inner child: Venus Rx conjuncts Saturn
Venus is Retrograde and conjunct Saturn. The Sun and the Moon are also conjunct, so this makes the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Saturn all in late degrees of Leo!
If you subscribe to my newsletter, ArtCharts Express, you probably read about the influence of Venus Retrograde on love and money. There's another facet of this Venus Retrograde in Leo that may hold the key to understanding your relationship to both money AND love.
It's your inner child.
Leo rules children. The focus of the Sun, Venus and Saturn conjunct in Leo shows the importance of the children, how we teach them, what they teach us.
Saturn and Venus are conjunct on a New Moon (which means the Sun is also conjunct Saturn). This is an opportunity to learn from your own inner child. What can your inner child teach you about your life right now? How can you, with what you know now, heal the hurts and calm the fears of your inner child? What can you tell your inner child about the messages he/she received? How can you help you inner child shift and release your old, limiting childlike beliefs, and provide your inner child with the wisdom and compassion of your adult perspective.
(After Venus stations Direct in September, Venus and Saturn will conjunct again in Virgo this October; so this is an on-going aspect, which means there will be plenty of opportunities to listen and understand its message.)
The ongoing Venus-Saturn conjunction helps us to see where in our childhood we were repressed, held back, not encouraged to grow in ways that are (were) our own unique path. This is the traditional image of the artist forced to study medicine or law to satisfy a parent's requirements. Were you allowed to be yourself as a child, or did you have to conform to standards?
Did you feel appreciated for who you were as a child? If not, you may still feel unappreciated. It may seem alien to express the affection you feel. If you don't feel lovable for who you are, it is very difficult to radiate love to others. This can make you seem like a cold person who keeps a distance and does not show their joy or appreciation. You start to feel (and act) cut off from your inner source of Love. And this only intensifies the feeling of being alienated and unlovable, which you continue to vibrate, and which continues to be your experience.
If you felt overly restricted and did not experience the joy of being appreciated as a child, you have the power to change that now. Re-parenting you inner child can open you to your free-flowing source love and appreciation in a way that feels safe and supported. The experience of experts and elders can help to guide you through this process.
You can get the guidance you need. Give yourself the gift of a Child*Star Report and learn more about your needs as a child and how you can best re-parent and encourage your development right now. I used to think development was only for children, but my astrology teacher immediately made it clear that we are (hopefully) always developing. There is always more we can learn, more of our talents and abilities we can develop and allow to flourish.
in Love&Light,
If you like the free articles on this blog, let me know by buying my absolute favorite gift - an Amazon gift certificate. My email is lauren@artcharts.com Click Here! thanks:-)
If you subscribe to my newsletter, ArtCharts Express, you probably read about the influence of Venus Retrograde on love and money. There's another facet of this Venus Retrograde in Leo that may hold the key to understanding your relationship to both money AND love.
It's your inner child.
Leo rules children. The focus of the Sun, Venus and Saturn conjunct in Leo shows the importance of the children, how we teach them, what they teach us.
Saturn and Venus are conjunct on a New Moon (which means the Sun is also conjunct Saturn). This is an opportunity to learn from your own inner child. What can your inner child teach you about your life right now? How can you, with what you know now, heal the hurts and calm the fears of your inner child? What can you tell your inner child about the messages he/she received? How can you help you inner child shift and release your old, limiting childlike beliefs, and provide your inner child with the wisdom and compassion of your adult perspective.
(After Venus stations Direct in September, Venus and Saturn will conjunct again in Virgo this October; so this is an on-going aspect, which means there will be plenty of opportunities to listen and understand its message.)
The ongoing Venus-Saturn conjunction helps us to see where in our childhood we were repressed, held back, not encouraged to grow in ways that are (were) our own unique path. This is the traditional image of the artist forced to study medicine or law to satisfy a parent's requirements. Were you allowed to be yourself as a child, or did you have to conform to standards?
Did you feel appreciated for who you were as a child? If not, you may still feel unappreciated. It may seem alien to express the affection you feel. If you don't feel lovable for who you are, it is very difficult to radiate love to others. This can make you seem like a cold person who keeps a distance and does not show their joy or appreciation. You start to feel (and act) cut off from your inner source of Love. And this only intensifies the feeling of being alienated and unlovable, which you continue to vibrate, and which continues to be your experience.
If you felt overly restricted and did not experience the joy of being appreciated as a child, you have the power to change that now. Re-parenting you inner child can open you to your free-flowing source love and appreciation in a way that feels safe and supported. The experience of experts and elders can help to guide you through this process.
You can get the guidance you need. Give yourself the gift of a Child*Star Report and learn more about your needs as a child and how you can best re-parent and encourage your development right now. I used to think development was only for children, but my astrology teacher immediately made it clear that we are (hopefully) always developing. There is always more we can learn, more of our talents and abilities we can develop and allow to flourish.
in Love&Light,
If you like the free articles on this blog, let me know by buying my absolute favorite gift - an Amazon gift certificate. My email is lauren@artcharts.com Click Here! thanks:-)
Sunday, August 12, 2007
A Prayer on the New Moon
The New Moon is in Leo.
Leo is love. This Moon is in the 7th house of "the other". We are instructed to "Love thy Neighbor as Thyself". Yet, many of us are quick to blame our faults and problems on others. We are disconnected from our love and blame others, and that make us sad. Life is about being joyous, yet we deny ourselves the flow of joy in our lives. When we resesent, take offense, treat others with suspicion first, and fail to appreciate others as themselves, we are going against the flow, we are denying our own best interests. We want to control others. We want to decide how they "should" behave, what they "should" think, what their soul's purpose "should" be. And since that is not really possible, we become bitter. We create barriers instead of opening ourselves to love. And we blame instead of feeling care and consideration. We get smaller and feel worse, when the goal is to expand and feel joyous.
When presented with an opening to receive more love, we are skeptical. We don't have the time, we don't have the patience to experiment, we see no point in being still and opening to our inner source of well-being. We deny ourselves, and by doing that, we deny whoever we contact. We're not getting what we need, so we deny it to everyone, we vibrate denial. If we see someone who is generous, we think of how we can take more. We want to stop that flow of generosity. Better cut them down to size! And so continues the cycle of feeling worse.
Changing all that is as easy as releasing it and moving back into the love. The love is always there. Patiently waiting, sending you good wishes however you are feeling. Do something to feel good, and let the love radiate. Feeling good is the intention.
in Love&Light,
Leo is love. This Moon is in the 7th house of "the other". We are instructed to "Love thy Neighbor as Thyself". Yet, many of us are quick to blame our faults and problems on others. We are disconnected from our love and blame others, and that make us sad. Life is about being joyous, yet we deny ourselves the flow of joy in our lives. When we resesent, take offense, treat others with suspicion first, and fail to appreciate others as themselves, we are going against the flow, we are denying our own best interests. We want to control others. We want to decide how they "should" behave, what they "should" think, what their soul's purpose "should" be. And since that is not really possible, we become bitter. We create barriers instead of opening ourselves to love. And we blame instead of feeling care and consideration. We get smaller and feel worse, when the goal is to expand and feel joyous.
When presented with an opening to receive more love, we are skeptical. We don't have the time, we don't have the patience to experiment, we see no point in being still and opening to our inner source of well-being. We deny ourselves, and by doing that, we deny whoever we contact. We're not getting what we need, so we deny it to everyone, we vibrate denial. If we see someone who is generous, we think of how we can take more. We want to stop that flow of generosity. Better cut them down to size! And so continues the cycle of feeling worse.
Changing all that is as easy as releasing it and moving back into the love. The love is always there. Patiently waiting, sending you good wishes however you are feeling. Do something to feel good, and let the love radiate. Feeling good is the intention.
in Love&Light,
ArtCharts Express
Hi everyone,
Wishing you a happy and prosperous Leo New Moon!
The latest issue of ArtCharts Express was just released. If you're a subscriber, check your email, it's there! Use the revised edition, there was a link error in the first, but the content is the same.
If you're not a subscriber or if you didn't get around to subscribing, and you'd like to get a copy anyway, I will personally forward you a copy. You can email me: lauren@artcharts.com. This is not automatic, so please be patient. I'm not always at my desk:-)
If you want to subscribe and get the next issue featuring the Lunar Eclipse and Saturn's entrance into Virgo, here's a link. It's free!
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in Love&Light,
ps, a new blog about Venus Retrograde is coming soon, i just had an "idea flash"
Wishing you a happy and prosperous Leo New Moon!
The latest issue of ArtCharts Express was just released. If you're a subscriber, check your email, it's there! Use the revised edition, there was a link error in the first, but the content is the same.
If you're not a subscriber or if you didn't get around to subscribing, and you'd like to get a copy anyway, I will personally forward you a copy. You can email me: lauren@artcharts.com. This is not automatic, so please be patient. I'm not always at my desk:-)
If you want to subscribe and get the next issue featuring the Lunar Eclipse and Saturn's entrance into Virgo, here's a link. It's free!
subscribe to ArtCharts Express Newsletter
in Love&Light,
ps, a new blog about Venus Retrograde is coming soon, i just had an "idea flash"
Saturday, August 11, 2007
The drama of blame: The Leo New Moon opposes Neptune
Blame seems so natural.
In the heat of the moment, it's easy to blame someone, anyone, for whatever is wrong.
If something isn't working, it must be because THAT person is a cheat, liar, thief, con artist, crook, creep, stupid, or out to get you.
What if none of that is true? What if that is all your own projection? your own choice of perception?
Then maybe you've found where you're hiding from your true self. Trying to shame someone for an error is not a sign of personal strength and inner confidence.
Here's the problem with blame. It makes you dummy down. You don't have to think beyond blame. Blame gives you permission to be condescending. You tell them off, and move on. But you don't go anywhere. You continue to complain to yourself and anyone else who will listen. Your mind becomes obsessed with blame and negative self-talk.
When you blame, you cut yourself off from appreciation. And when you can't feel appreciation, you repress your feelings of joy and well-being. You may think you are doing this to protect "the truth", but is being "right" really worth focusing on and radiating negative feelings?
If you think that you and everyone else has to always to be PERFECT, you can continue to feel disillusioned and exaggerate any defect into a shattering upset.
What if you could feel good regardless of what "they" did?
(Sun and Moon passing through the Saturn-Neptune opposition)
in Love&Light,
If you like the free articles on this blog, let me know by buying my absolute favorite gift - an Amazon gift certificate. My email is lauren@artcharts.com Click Here! thanks:-)
In the heat of the moment, it's easy to blame someone, anyone, for whatever is wrong.
If something isn't working, it must be because THAT person is a cheat, liar, thief, con artist, crook, creep, stupid, or out to get you.
What if none of that is true? What if that is all your own projection? your own choice of perception?
Then maybe you've found where you're hiding from your true self. Trying to shame someone for an error is not a sign of personal strength and inner confidence.
Here's the problem with blame. It makes you dummy down. You don't have to think beyond blame. Blame gives you permission to be condescending. You tell them off, and move on. But you don't go anywhere. You continue to complain to yourself and anyone else who will listen. Your mind becomes obsessed with blame and negative self-talk.
When you blame, you cut yourself off from appreciation. And when you can't feel appreciation, you repress your feelings of joy and well-being. You may think you are doing this to protect "the truth", but is being "right" really worth focusing on and radiating negative feelings?
If you think that you and everyone else has to always to be PERFECT, you can continue to feel disillusioned and exaggerate any defect into a shattering upset.
What if you could feel good regardless of what "they" did?
(Sun and Moon passing through the Saturn-Neptune opposition)
in Love&Light,
If you like the free articles on this blog, let me know by buying my absolute favorite gift - an Amazon gift certificate. My email is lauren@artcharts.com Click Here! thanks:-)
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Starring Venus
Venus is Retrograde.
Yesterday (Wednesday), Venus Retrograde entered Leo. This means Venus is now at 29 degrees Leo.
This puts Venus conjunct the FIXED STAR Regulus, the Lion's Heart, as she moves back towards the FIXED STAR Alphard, the Hydra'as Head. (This will happen when Venus and Saturn conjunct on Sunday's New Moon)
Fixed Stars have ancient and magical meanings in horoscopes; they are older than time. Fixed stars move at a rate hardly perceptible to a human lifespan, so they form a literal backdrop of our lives. Most of the fixed stars astrologers have noted and studied are part of the major constellations of the zodiac (the stars that span across the Earth's ecliptic), and are long believed to have an affect on your destiny, your essential character. What fixed stars influence your chart?
Artcharts needs your purchases and I really want you to have your personalized Fixed Star Report, so when you purchase ANY report at artcharts, include the word STAR in the comments section and get your personalized Fixed Star report at no additional cost. The Fixed Star report requires an exact time of birth (because it uses not only planets, but also your house cusps).
So that's the Fixed Star Report and your August TimeLine as your gifts for purchasing astrology or numerology reports at artcharts through Sunday, 8/12.
in Love&Light,
If you like the free articles on this blog, let me know by buying my absolute favorite gift - an Amazon gift certificate. My email is lauren@artcharts.com Click Here! thanks:-)
Yesterday (Wednesday), Venus Retrograde entered Leo. This means Venus is now at 29 degrees Leo.
This puts Venus conjunct the FIXED STAR Regulus, the Lion's Heart, as she moves back towards the FIXED STAR Alphard, the Hydra'as Head. (This will happen when Venus and Saturn conjunct on Sunday's New Moon)
Fixed Stars have ancient and magical meanings in horoscopes; they are older than time. Fixed stars move at a rate hardly perceptible to a human lifespan, so they form a literal backdrop of our lives. Most of the fixed stars astrologers have noted and studied are part of the major constellations of the zodiac (the stars that span across the Earth's ecliptic), and are long believed to have an affect on your destiny, your essential character. What fixed stars influence your chart?
Artcharts needs your purchases and I really want you to have your personalized Fixed Star Report, so when you purchase ANY report at artcharts, include the word STAR in the comments section and get your personalized Fixed Star report at no additional cost. The Fixed Star report requires an exact time of birth (because it uses not only planets, but also your house cusps).
So that's the Fixed Star Report and your August TimeLine as your gifts for purchasing astrology or numerology reports at artcharts through Sunday, 8/12.
in Love&Light,
If you like the free articles on this blog, let me know by buying my absolute favorite gift - an Amazon gift certificate. My email is lauren@artcharts.com Click Here! thanks:-)
Monday, August 6, 2007
Love and Conflict: Mars and Venus get stressed
If you didn't like Monday, Tuesday is an opportunity to get it right.
Venus is squaring Mars and briefly the Moon-- making love and attraction personal, public, and stressed. (Venus at 0 Virgo squares Moon-Mars at 0 Gemini)
Give and take are not in balance because it doesn't seem like there's enough time to wait for things to balance out. And with impulsive Mars in Gemini and Venus taking account in Virgo, words can hurt as much as physical violence. Words may not leave visible scars, but the damage done can last a long time, especially if someone wants to use it to make a point. Acting impulsively, you can do or say something that cuts to the point but is NOT in your best interests.
Is it momentary anger or a desire to cut and run? Perhaps a bit of both. But if you are irritated by a lack of perfection, you can be feeling especially stressed out right now.
Since life is ongoing, there is no completion or perfection. Yet, it could be time to cut or prune something that has gone too far and is sapping energy for meaningful growth. Venus Retrograde and about to (re-)enter Leo suggests a time to reevaluate how your self-confidence contributes to -- or interferes with -- attracting what you really want.
By immediately blaming others, you are giving up on your own ability to make and/or attract beneficial changes. Blaming gives whoever you are blaming all the power, while you are not to blame but also have no power, and no energy, to make changes. Feeling guilt or shame for mistakes or for your current situation is not the point, but accepting how you contribute can help you make changes and improvements that really could change your life, even if it takes time.
And since this is a Gemini-Virgo square, there can be cat and dogs fights, so watch your pets-- and how they interact with each other and with neighbor's pets. Mine have been riled up twice today. One run-away dog due to loud neighbor (Gemini) music (she's back) and a hissy cat fight (no thanks to claw clipping during a Gemini-Virgo square^^:)
in Love&Light,
in Love&Light,
If you like the free articles on this blog, let me know by buying my absolute favorite gift - an Amazon gift certificate. My email is lauren@artcharts.com Click Here! thanks:-)
Venus is squaring Mars and briefly the Moon-- making love and attraction personal, public, and stressed. (Venus at 0 Virgo squares Moon-Mars at 0 Gemini)
Give and take are not in balance because it doesn't seem like there's enough time to wait for things to balance out. And with impulsive Mars in Gemini and Venus taking account in Virgo, words can hurt as much as physical violence. Words may not leave visible scars, but the damage done can last a long time, especially if someone wants to use it to make a point. Acting impulsively, you can do or say something that cuts to the point but is NOT in your best interests.
Is it momentary anger or a desire to cut and run? Perhaps a bit of both. But if you are irritated by a lack of perfection, you can be feeling especially stressed out right now.
Since life is ongoing, there is no completion or perfection. Yet, it could be time to cut or prune something that has gone too far and is sapping energy for meaningful growth. Venus Retrograde and about to (re-)enter Leo suggests a time to reevaluate how your self-confidence contributes to -- or interferes with -- attracting what you really want.
By immediately blaming others, you are giving up on your own ability to make and/or attract beneficial changes. Blaming gives whoever you are blaming all the power, while you are not to blame but also have no power, and no energy, to make changes. Feeling guilt or shame for mistakes or for your current situation is not the point, but accepting how you contribute can help you make changes and improvements that really could change your life, even if it takes time.
And since this is a Gemini-Virgo square, there can be cat and dogs fights, so watch your pets-- and how they interact with each other and with neighbor's pets. Mine have been riled up twice today. One run-away dog due to loud neighbor (Gemini) music (she's back) and a hissy cat fight (no thanks to claw clipping during a Gemini-Virgo square^^:)
in Love&Light,
in Love&Light,
If you like the free articles on this blog, let me know by buying my absolute favorite gift - an Amazon gift certificate. My email is lauren@artcharts.com Click Here! thanks:-)
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Speak up! But read this first
Mercury, planet of communications, is making 2 aspects simultaneously. If you're not sure whether to speak up or remain silent, consider this...
Mercury is sextile Mars and inconjunct Pluto. If you're know what you want, you can cut through piles of BS and get right to the point. If you believe in what you're doing, you can negotiate brilliantly and make the sale, sign the deal, teach a class, do more research.
You may not be all that concerned with how the other person takes what you're dishing out, and your compassion may not be high, even if you're discussing something very private or personal. Say what you mean and cut to the chase. Just be aware that if you bring up heavy subjects and you don't care how it makes the other person feel, you can create more resistance than cooperation.
with Love&Light,
If you like the free articles on this blog, let me know by buying my absolute favorite gift - an Amazon gift certificate. My email is lauren@artcharts.com Click Here! thanks so much:-)
Mercury is sextile Mars and inconjunct Pluto. If you're know what you want, you can cut through piles of BS and get right to the point. If you believe in what you're doing, you can negotiate brilliantly and make the sale, sign the deal, teach a class, do more research.
You may not be all that concerned with how the other person takes what you're dishing out, and your compassion may not be high, even if you're discussing something very private or personal. Say what you mean and cut to the chase. Just be aware that if you bring up heavy subjects and you don't care how it makes the other person feel, you can create more resistance than cooperation.
with Love&Light,
If you like the free articles on this blog, let me know by buying my absolute favorite gift - an Amazon gift certificate. My email is lauren@artcharts.com Click Here! thanks so much:-)
Choose to be happy
Sun trines Jupiter.
You CAN have a fabulous day with lots of golden opportunities on the horizon that are NOT mirages -- if you can be open to feeling great. It's your choice.
with Love&Light,
If you like the free articles on this blog, let me know by buying my absolute favorite gift - an Amazon gift certificate. My email is lauren@artcharts.com Click Here! thanks so much:-)
You CAN have a fabulous day with lots of golden opportunities on the horizon that are NOT mirages -- if you can be open to feeling great. It's your choice.
with Love&Light,
If you like the free articles on this blog, let me know by buying my absolute favorite gift - an Amazon gift certificate. My email is lauren@artcharts.com Click Here! thanks so much:-)
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