Sunday, August 12, 2007

A Prayer on the New Moon

The New Moon is in Leo.

Leo is love. This Moon is in the 7th house of "the other". We are instructed to "Love thy Neighbor as Thyself". Yet, many of us are quick to blame our faults and problems on others. We are disconnected from our love and blame others, and that make us sad. Life is about being joyous, yet we deny ourselves the flow of joy in our lives. When we resesent, take offense, treat others with suspicion first, and fail to appreciate others as themselves, we are going against the flow, we are denying our own best interests. We want to control others. We want to decide how they "should" behave, what they "should" think, what their soul's purpose "should" be. And since that is not really possible, we become bitter. We create barriers instead of opening ourselves to love. And we blame instead of feeling care and consideration. We get smaller and feel worse, when the goal is to expand and feel joyous.

When presented with an opening to receive more love, we are skeptical. We don't have the time, we don't have the patience to experiment, we see no point in being still and opening to our inner source of well-being. We deny ourselves, and by doing that, we deny whoever we contact. We're not getting what we need, so we deny it to everyone, we vibrate denial. If we see someone who is generous, we think of how we can take more. We want to stop that flow of generosity. Better cut them down to size! And so continues the cycle of feeling worse.

Changing all that is as easy as releasing it and moving back into the love. The love is always there. Patiently waiting, sending you good wishes however you are feeling. Do something to feel good, and let the love radiate. Feeling good is the intention.

in Love&Light,

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