Thursday, August 2, 2007

Speak up! But read this first

Mercury, planet of communications, is making 2 aspects simultaneously. If you're not sure whether to speak up or remain silent, consider this...

Mercury is sextile Mars and inconjunct Pluto. If you're know what you want, you can cut through piles of BS and get right to the point. If you believe in what you're doing, you can negotiate brilliantly and make the sale, sign the deal, teach a class, do more research.

You may not be all that concerned with how the other person takes what you're dishing out, and your compassion may not be high, even if you're discussing something very private or personal. Say what you mean and cut to the chase. Just be aware that if you bring up heavy subjects and you don't care how it makes the other person feel, you can create more resistance than cooperation.

with Love&Light,

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