Monday, August 20, 2007

Good wishes meet resistance

When we send or receive good wishes, the very next thought is often: RESISTANCE.

We immediately start to think of all the REAL reasons our good wishes can't, shouldn't, won't come true. It's almost automatic, especially if we're on autopilot!

You may think that thinking well of yourself is not realistic and will only make you weak and self-satisfied. Yet, it is precisely this thought that keeps you stuck where you are.

Why is this theme so prevalent right now?

Because Saturn and the Sun are conjunct in late Leo. The Sun "rules" Leo. They are SOLAR archetypes-- how we shine and radiate our essential Self (Sun) has come under the scrutiny of Saturn (restrictions).

This week is also the time Venus becomes the Morning Star, called heliacal rising (rising before the Sun). This is a powerful moment in Mayan legend, when armies were sent marching, and the potential for the "gods" to go on a destructive rampage was almost guaranteed.

Jupiter and Mars are opposing (exact on Thursday, 8/23, but also strong and personal through the week as the Moon interacts, conjuncting Jupiter and opposing Mars on Tuesday, 8/21, increasing energy and enthusiasm, although a successful outcome may not manifest on command.

When you see someone doing something that interests you, that could be a sign -- this is something you can do, too. Instead of resenting the person or thinking there is a limited amount of space for all the people doing it successfully, try shifting your perspective to love and abundance and you can immediately realize -- "this could be something I'm good at too." Sure, you may not be a pro the first day, but education and practice and desire can change all that in a relatively short amount of time. To create something you want takes a commitment of time and money, but it is an investment in building your own future.

Resistance can also come through inflated expectations of others to always be perfect and to always meet our needs. That is not possible, so this actually keeps you feeling less-than, which feeds resentment. When you see someone doing something you think you can do better, do you get hyper critical of the person and look for reasons to invalidate their efforts? Insisting on perfection, yours or theirs, is a sure way to keep yourself apart from the abundance you would like in your life and is how many of us resist love and abundance when we do not feel ready or capable of taking on more responsibility.

So where are you right now in your ability to take on more responsibility?

As you journey towards reconnecting with self-love, remember we maintain our own limits and keep ourselves in a bind. We resist. Even if a solution is just a thought away! When we are overwhelmed thinking "I can't", we don't think beyond that point.

We think we can't afford something, yet the funds are right there! We say we don't have what we need, yet what we are being offered something that could help us out of a jam and into a more lucrative situation.

Can you give yourself enough self-acceptance to open a pathway to more love and abundance?

in Love&Light,

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