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_______________Tuesday, July 27_______________
Right after Sunday's Full Moon there is a major culmination of a long-term opposition of Saturn and Uranus (see the blog entry on this page).
Tuesday, Mercury enters Virgo. Instead of the usual 3 weeks Mercury spends in a sign, Mercury will remain in Virgo through October 3 due to an upcoming Retrograde station (August 20 - September 12). This is the perfect time to go back to school, continue your education, get clear on the facts. Just kinda sorta knowing something can get you caught up in a mental tape loop.... But by the grace of Mercury, we now have until October 3 (when Mercury enters Libra) to learn something we can put to practical everyday use.
Jupiter is conjunct Uranus and Saturn is conjunct Saturn. Saturn-Mars opposes Jupiter-Uranus, and crisscross to form a Mystic Rectangle. And the Mercury-Neptune opposition goes right through the middle, forming a YOD to Neptune-Chiron. That means that both opposition intersects and form trines and sextiles. This is helpful. This is fateful. It shows that despite all the vast and serious differences, and they are strong, there are solutions; cooperation is possible. Healing is possible. But it depends on how we behave, our attitude, the choices we make.
Friday, July 30 is a Mars day! The Moon is void of course in Pisces for most of the day, so it's a slow start. This is the longest void in awhile. It starts Thursday night and goes through Friday in the late afternoon. During the void, Mars, just into Libra, opposes Uranus in (Mars-ruled) Aries, while the Moon enters Aries and conjuncts Uranus. This is a lot of hectic impulsive energy. It can feel stressful or spontaneous--depending on how you see it!
Yet, as Mars, ruler of Aries, opposes Uranus, it is also approaching a conjunction with Saturn. This cautions us to slow down! If you can have the patience to slow down and listen carefully, you may be able to approach a complicated situation. If you use your energy carefully, it will burn slow.
It's coming close to that time of year again! We're approaching one of the 3 yearly Mercury Retrograde stations-- in Virgo. On Saturday, July 31, Mercury enters the "shadow zone" of the Retrograde phase. This means that on Saturday, Mercury will be at the degree it will Retrograde back to in August.... more info and complete timetable
Sunday, Venus makes a semisquare to the Sun. This is rare because Venus and the Sun are not often that far apart (45 degrees). But-- they are now because Venus is far ahead of the Sun (45 degrees), which is why she's so bright in the evening sky. It also means Venus is getting closer to a Retrograde station (October 8). When Venus is far enough ahead of the Sun to make a semisquare, we are usually at a point of overindulging in friends and fun. Just one more! But are we having fun, or are we feeling socially pressured to spend and party. How much fun and food is too much?!
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This Week's Astrology Calendar: July 26 - August 1
Monday, July 26:: The Moon is in Aquarius :+: Mercury opposes Neptune :+: Sun inconjuncts Pluto :+: Sun trines Jupiter :+: Mars inconjuncts Neptune :+: Saturn opposes Uranus
Read all about your LEO SUN sign @
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Tuesday, July 27:: Mercury enters Virgo :+: The Moon in Aquarius is Void-of-Course from 11:47 pm EDT - Wednesday @ 4:00 am EDT
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Wednesday, July 28:: Mercury inconjuncts Uranus :+: The Moon enters Pisces @ 4:00 am EDT
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Thursday, July 29:: The Moon is in Pisces :+: Mars enters Libra @ 7:46pm EDT :+: The Moon in Pisces is Void-of-Course from 11:44 pm EDT - Friday @ 5:23 pm EDT
Read all about your LEO SUN sign @
open your heart - love more!
Friday, July 30:: Disseminating Moon in Pisces (21 Pisces 56) @ 12:25 am EDT :+: Mercury trines Pluto :+: Mercury inconjuncts Jupiter :+: Mars opposes Uranus :+: The Moon enters Aries @ 4:42 pm EDT
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Saturday, July 31:: The Moon is in Aries :+: Mars conjuncts Saturn
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Sunday, August 1:: The Moon in Aries is Void-of-Course from 11:55 pm EDT - Monday @ 4:13 am EDT :+: Sun semisquares Venus
Current major aspects: Saturn opposes Uranus :+: Mars enters Libra :+: Mars opposes Uranus :+: Mars conjuncts Saturn :+: Sun semisquares Venus
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