This is also part of the longer post on the Saturn-Uranus opposition: Schism in the ism, and some updates!
The opposition of Saturn and Uranus is joined by yet another opposition-- a Full Moon!
When the Moon is Full, the Sun and Moon are exactly opposite.
This Full Moon is in Leo (Sun) and Aquarius (Moon). And this chart has blessings-- the Sun is sextile Saturn-Mars and trine Uranus-Jupiter; while the Moon is trine Saturn-Mars and sextile Uranus-Jupiter. There is potential for cooperation.
But is only a potential because cooperation involves moving beyond yourself. It means looking more realistically at some of the irrational expectations that keep us separated and angry at each other for not fulfilling roles that are not part of the agreement. But since we have a fear of being open and giving, we hide behind defenses and anger. Yet, we have a choice: grow up and make peace, or keep making war on whoever we can! Peace starts within and radiates out. You can do it, but you have to be willing to be cooperative instead of looking for every way you can to "get over" and take all, regardless of whether you "can" or not.
Many of us are under a lot of pressure-- to perform, earn, maintain, care, be there, produce, be happy. We are encouraged to specialize so we can earn a better living. We put all our energy into one direction and feel greater resistance (Saturn) to everything else. The Mystic Rectangle includes the potential that if we can accept and look at the resistance we feel, we can start to find others possibilities. But we may not want to put our energy anyplace else! We insist, it HAS to be this way!!!
Yet, there are energies and forces beyond the rational. Ideas that grip deeper, archetypal parts of our inner selves, and take us on a journey.....
The Saturn-Uranus opposition, along with the Full Moon can give us some perspective on the resistance we feel, and that perspective just may show us an opening, a different approach, a way through. And that may even be an improvement we never thought of before right now! The resistance we feel may be more about how we use whatever power and authority we have, more than how others use it against us. How are you contributing to the sabotage of others, and even more so, your own Self sabotage. Blaming it on others doesn't get you off anything! But there is hope, if you self-regulate!
This Full Moon is also Midsummer Night, the night of mistaken identities and magical shifts between the worlds. The line between conscious and unconscious is blurred. And the trine of the Sun to Jupiter and Uranus shows that anything is possible! Miracles can happen, dreams can suddenly come true.
Here's a chart for the Full Moon on Sunday, July 25:
[caption id="attachment_3749" align="aligncenter" width="504" caption="full moon on july 25, 2010"]
Read the astrology symbols using artcharts LEGEND
And here's a chart for the Full Moon-- only showing the MYSTIC RECTANGLE
[caption id="attachment_3775" align="aligncenter" width="504" caption="full moon with mystic rectangle"]
Read the astrology symbols using artcharts LEGEND
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