Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Mercury Retrograde: August 20-Sept 12

Mercury Retrograde in Virgo -- August 20, 2010 - September 12, 2010

We entered the Retrograde shadow on July 31.

Astrologers tell us that Mercury Retrograde is a time when nothing works and we shouldn't even bother trying-- that would only lead to more errors.

Astrologers are slightly off.

The interesting thing about Retrogrades is that you can make progress-- it's just not conscious. During Mercury Retrograde stations, our thinking is more in the unconscious realm. So we miss more minor details, creating more clerical errors. But often, these clerical errors lead to making connections we would never have made; like having to contact someone because of an error, and you wind up exchanging important information, or becoming friends. So progress is still possible-- it's just not conscious. That's why activities like writing, talking, walking, and breathing can uncover details and distinctions that can actually lead to important personal progress.

If you thought you were efficient and organized, hold on! Mercury is in Virgo and will be there for over 2 months, exceeding its usual transit in a sign and taking its time to uncover all errors in full detail.

Mercury's extended stay in Virgo is due to an upcoming Mercury Retrograde station in Virgo. Since Virgo is the sign of practical learning and streamlined efficiency, how can you use your skills and time to your best advantage? The next few months may give you some insights...

Next Mercury Retrograde:
Mercury stations Retrograde in Virgo on August 20, 2010 (at 3:59 pm EDT) at Virgo 19' 04" and stations Direct on September 12, 2010 (7:09 pm EDT) at Virgo 5' 22"

Mercury Retrograde TimeLine:
  • July 27 -- Mercury enters Virgo

  • July 31 -- Mercury enters the Retrograde shadow (5 Virgo 22)

  • August 20 -- Mercury stations Retrograde @ Virgo 19' 04"

  • September 3 -- The Mercury Retrograde midpoint (Sun-Mercury inferior conjunction) @ Virgo 10'55"

  • September 12 -- Mercury stations Direct @ Virgo 5' 22"

  • September 27 -- Mercury will once again be @ Virgo 19' 04" and thereby out of the Retrograde shadow

  • Read about Mercury Retrograde in Virgo on artcharts.com

      10 Practical Tips for a Productive Mercury Retrograde in Virgo:
    1. Reread self-help and new age books
    2. Think again about the need for perfection, what's really behind it. Interview your "inner perfectionist"
    3. Go back to school for job-related studies and skills; brush up on practical skills you may not have used in awhile; or learn something new and practical about your profession
    4. Reorganize your daily routine so that it works for you.
    5. Give a second thought to how you communicate with co-workers, employees, anyone who serves you. Kind communication can create good-will and more assistance, while venting inappropriately can create endless errors... Rethink what people are really supposed to do for you.
    6. Get back to your exercise routine; it's a great time to improve your health
    7. Sell your used books and office equipment-- space and cash!
    8. Reorganize your office or work space. Using feng-shui can help you be more productive, and successful
    9. Is your workspace ergonomic? This is a good time to reconsider your keyboard/mouse/screen configuration; your work needs to honor mind and body
    10. Clean out old files, clean your workspace. Old files and dust accumulate, and your computer will run better without them

    *During Mercury Retrograde, ArtCharts gives the gift of a PERSONALIZED 2010 Retrograde Station Report when you purchase a report from our catalog. You'll thank yourself!

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