Mercury makes a DIRECT station tonight!
Are you as excited as i am? I'm going to send out the first edition of Artcharts Express, my new astrology newsletter, as soon as Mercury makes its Direct station, 10:16 PM EDT.
Was this also a tough Mercury RX for you? I've heard stories.... and would LOVE for you to share yours on this blog.
Mercury stationing DIRECT in CANCER an appropriate time to retrain your mind and release old programming that keeps you in a RUT.
As Mercury makes its DIRECT station, Mercury is semisquare Venus-Saturn and Mars, putting Mercury roughly at the Venus/Mars midpoint, which will continue to intensity through the last week of July.
Your mind can be revolving around a love issue, going back and forth, unsure of your feelings, decisions, desires. Are you looking for problems? If so, your mind will find them! It could be time to set yourself free and release your WANTS so you can actually attain them! Sound confusing, it's not! WANTING implies lack. Training your mind to want gives you what you don't want--more of the same, or less of what you want.
Mercury semisquare Saturn shows your mind stuck in fear. If you're expecting judgments, looking for limits, only noticing faults, in others and in yourself, you can be moving forward in very slow motion, if at all.
Moon semisquare Mars is a stress aspect. Your mind is searching for stress, focusing on it. It's much harder, if not impossible, to solve problems when you're stressed. If you operate in default mode, you can find yourself getting angry and frustrated when you're too pressured to think clearly. Is the criticism you spread justified, or are you just finding fault because you're dreading something, hiding your fear, afraid of being judged and not getting the approval you would really like. Can you let that go?
WANTING or HAVING, it's your choice!
If you're especially frustrated about NOT getting what you WANT now, how can you let it go? Sure, what you WANT is vitally important. But the message you're giving your own mind is: you WANT it, so you don't HAVE it. Just try to make this shift. There's no failure possible!
With love&light,
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It actually makes a whole lot of sense.
I seem to feel trapped in worrying about not having enough money to cover groceries, medicine, whatever...for some reason, the worry is always right in my face and I just can't let go of it.
I'd like you to know that I love reading your insights, and I'm always happy to see a new post. They're intensely personal and they always seem to point directly at what's holding me back. Thank you for your raw's a rare find in astrology and it's much appreciated! ^_^
Thanks Mandy.
Astrology can be used in so many ways. I see it as a key for self-awareness. Many of us simply don't realize that development continues past grade school, yet we are always changing and developing. And if we just operate in default mode, things keep happening to us that we don't understand and don't like! We can do better!
in Love&Light,
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