Why don't we make big changes that will improve our lives, free ourselves of the things we don't like, make major strides, live in our love?
We resist changing tooo quickly. We hold on and resist making changes that are too sudden or sped up.
So we make excuses, stall for time. We search for the key to change our lives, yet when we find it, we're not really ready, at that moment, to make a commitment to change. So we slow it down, think it over, make our own terms, get ready,,, slowly.
As Mars squares Neptune while Venus stations Retrograde, change is almost impossible, especially if you've lost your faith in your inner process. You need your intuition now, and shutting yourself off from it can be dangerously misleading and confusing.
You can benefit from Venus Retrograde, if you realize the key to understanding its energy. I've written too much for the blog, so for more on Venus Retrograde, please sign up for my completely free newsletter, ArtCharts Express. Here's a link so you can get my article on Venus Retrograde-- free! Thanks, i'm looking forward to sharing my insights and inspirations on Venus Retrograde 2007.
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Venus will be Retrograde for 40 days and 40 nights. More to come on Venus Retrograde 2007.
with Love&Light,
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this is off topic, but is there such a thing as a void-of-course progressed moon, and if so, how is it determined? thank you for all your insights and labor intense post.
Hi Stephany,
Thanks for noting the energy i pour into this blog. It is all ways my pleasure:=)
Progressions are my specialty. I even own progressedastrology.com and will develop it soon.
Thanks for your question. Yes, the PR Moon becomes VOC after it makes the last major planetary aspect and before it enters the next sign. This is a time of digesting your recent experiences before the next phase begins when your PR Moon enters the next sign.
Since the PR Moon moves at about a degree a month, the VOC can last anywhere from a month to a year, depending on the rest of the chart.
When i get progressedastrology.com going, i will do a progressed intensive, so watch for it. We'll all learn something.
in Love&Light,
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