Monday, August 6, 2007

Love and Conflict: Mars and Venus get stressed

If you didn't like Monday, Tuesday is an opportunity to get it right.

Venus is squaring Mars and briefly the Moon-- making love and attraction personal, public, and stressed. (Venus at 0 Virgo squares Moon-Mars at 0 Gemini)

Give and take are not in balance because it doesn't seem like there's enough time to wait for things to balance out. And with impulsive Mars in Gemini and Venus taking account in Virgo, words can hurt as much as physical violence. Words may not leave visible scars, but the damage done can last a long time, especially if someone wants to use it to make a point. Acting impulsively, you can do or say something that cuts to the point but is NOT in your best interests.

Is it momentary anger or a desire to cut and run? Perhaps a bit of both. But if you are irritated by a lack of perfection, you can be feeling especially stressed out right now.

Since life is ongoing, there is no completion or perfection. Yet, it could be time to cut or prune something that has gone too far and is sapping energy for meaningful growth. Venus Retrograde and about to (re-)enter Leo suggests a time to reevaluate how your self-confidence contributes to -- or interferes with -- attracting what you really want.

By immediately blaming others, you are giving up on your own ability to make and/or attract beneficial changes. Blaming gives whoever you are blaming all the power, while you are not to blame but also have no power, and no energy, to make changes. Feeling guilt or shame for mistakes or for your current situation is not the point, but accepting how you contribute can help you make changes and improvements that really could change your life, even if it takes time.

And since this is a Gemini-Virgo square, there can be cat and dogs fights, so watch your pets-- and how they interact with each other and with neighbor's pets. Mine have been riled up twice today. One run-away dog due to loud neighbor (Gemini) music (she's back) and a hissy cat fight (no thanks to claw clipping during a Gemini-Virgo square^^:)

in Love&Light,

in Love&Light,

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Anonymous said...

Hi Lauren -
Been reading your Astro advice for several years...I'm a recently widowed Sag who's financially struggling, so am unable to contribute anything at this time but do find your assessments some of the best on the web. When I get on my feet, which had better be by the end of August, I'll have you do a progression for me. Thanks.
Nelly Mae

Lauren Edmond said...

Hi Nellie Mae,
By thinking we have nothing, we create that reality. I too am wondering how i vibrate nothing. There is so little business to my 11-year old website, that I feel completely unqualified to write anything about astrology! I just got an unsolicited email from a famous astrologer. She said, "there's a New Moon on Sunday". It's information, but is it brilliant?

I can appreciate how you feel, my best is also nothing much to most people. We think, say, and do awful things when we are disconnected from our inner joy, which is our only true self.

in Love&Light,