Friday, October 19 (4:33 am edt) the Moon and Sun are exactly square, forming the First Quarter Moon.
The Moon is in Capricorn. The Sun is in Libra. Capricorn is ruled by Saturn; Libra is ruled by Venus. Again, we see Venus and Saturn making a connection.
So where are you? What have you learned that you can APPLY it effectively in the world to achieve goals? With Mercury Retrograde (at 5 Scorpio 36) at this First Quarter Moon, take the time to keep looking until you feel you've reached an honest assessment.
Saturn, ruler of the Capricorn Moon, has been conjunct Venus (ruler of the Libra Sun) in early Virgo and both Saturn and Venus are at the Mercury/Mars midpoint -- and making helpful sextiles to both Mercury and Mars. Do not underestimate the value of a good plan to achieve your desires. You may be feeling lots of determined, positive energy, but to be effective, you need to know what to DO with it. Saturn's energy is constricting, yet it guides by setting limits and creating boundaries so you can focus on what you WANT to do.
Before you can make decisions, you have to be clear. What DON'T you want? What DO you want?
Taking responsibility for your choices is daunting, but if you're NOT willing to take responsibility for the choices you make, or aware that you have a choice, you can find yourself manipulating others to take responsibility for your decisions. It's always someone else's fault. Realizing the serious weight of responsibility can be overwhelming. Yet, if you don't take it on, you can feel victimized because others are making the important decisions for you.
Making a commitment DOES restrict how much time and energy you can put into other things, yet by putting your attention on what you choose and select, Saturn's restrictions can be opportunities to concentrate, make progress, get closer to a goal, all themes of Saturn energy.
While Mercury is Retrograde and exactly sextile Saturn at the First Quarter Moon, you may reflect on your goals and get clear about the steps you need to take to achieve them. Information may be hidden and hard to access, especially until the Sun-Mercury conjunction at 0 Scorpio (on Oct 23), but don't let that stop you! After the Sun-Mercury conjunction (the "inferior" conjunction) you may be able to access deeper information than you have recently, IF you are ready to look behind the scenes, under the covers, and beyond what your ego wants you to acknowledge.
Message of the First Quarter Moon: this is THE perfect time to get organized. Sort it out, write it down, think it through, again. And if you're still not sure, there's something you're missing, so do it again.
Once you know what to do, there can be opportunities to move ahead, but the strong Venus influence of this chart reminds us that it helps to be KIND. Being considerate can persuade even the most sensitive or difficult person.
But what's the problem with pressing your point when you KNOW you are right? Aren't you justified??! Yes, if you want to spend your energy holding on to being right.
Why do we need to be RIGHT? To prove our self-worth. When you need to be right to prove your self-worth, or for you ego's sake, the message your are broadcasting -- to yourself and others -- is that you're only worth something IF you are right. Feeling and believing that "you're only worth something IF you are right" is a belief that leads to unhappiness and negative feelings about yourself that can radiate out and touch everyone and everything you contact. What if feeling worthless causes bad feelings-- not because it's true, but because it is NOT true. And spreading bad feelings makes it worse, and worse.... So why not spread good feelings, because you really ARE worthy. That would be a strong positive statement that would empower you, which also radiates and vibrates.
in Love&Light,
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