It's been a long time, but finally! Venus will enter Virgo on October 8 and emerge from the Retrograde shadow on October 11
As Venus Direct retraces her steps back to when she turned Retrograde at 3 Virgo in late July, get ready to act on your recently re-evaluated values.
How does money effect you? How do you think about money? How do you think money changes people? Do you see people with money as being better, happier, or just as miserable?
Some of us have an aversion to money because we see people who have money yet are not happy.
If you enjoy your life as it is, if you wouldn't change much even if you had more money, then you are already living abundantly.
And to the extent that you appreciate the people and things in your life, you are experiencing abundance. We all have Venus somewhere in our chart!
If you are not happy and you get more money, the money and things won't make you happy and can even make you more doubtful-- unless you are already happy. As Venus leaves Leo, it's time to access your own inner self-love. And from that perspective, you can start to make balanced, loving decisions.
Think of some of the positive things in your life. If you can appreciate just a few things you have right now, you already know the feeing of abundance. So you can activate it, ask for more of it, and be ready to receive it!
While Venus is in Virgo, you can refine all the ways you prevent love from being your guide. Focus on learning more about relationships and how to make your relationships more spiritual, connected, and whole. First with yourself, and then with others.
There's all ways more,
in Love&Light,
ps, for more on the recent Venus Retrograde, see earlier blogs and newsletters
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