The Last Quarter Moon is powerful-- although it doesn't usually make headlines because it is not visible. At this point in the Moon's cycle, Moonrise is close to midnight, so we rarely see the Moon in the Last Quarter phase.
The Last Quarter Moon occurs when the Moon and Sun are exactly square, or 90 degrees apart (with the Moon approaching a conjunction with the Sun, or the week before the New Moon).
This square is between the Moon in Cancer and the Sun in Libra.
The Moon rules Cancer, so the Moon is strong. Emotions hit home.
And Venus rules Libra. Planet Venus is making a trine to Pluto. This trine is the last of 3 trines, due to the recent Venus Retrograde (see earlier blogs and newsletters); mutual desires that have been growing are becoming even more powerful.
While you'd do anything for a friend, if you don't feel that you are not getting your fair share, your negative emotions can be activated.
There needs to be a balance (Libra) between getting your own desires and needs met, and helping others achieve theirs.
It may help to overlook what you perceive as negativity or competition from others and focus on the warm feelings you share. To do this, you will need to work through feelings of self-doubt. If you let fear and self-pity allow you to feel and act in negative, destructive ways, you can feel even more invisible and slip into the doormat role. Before you give up, shoot yourself in the foot, or slink into obscurity, you have a choice-- what do YOU want to happen?! This is an opportunity to be open and honest, to go beyond the usual superficial level, and heal old wounds. And being open to this process can strengthen and deepen the bonds of love you share.
Share what you love and desire with the ones you love and desire and allow the abundance of joy to empower you today!
in Love&Light,
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