Mercury is stationing Retrograde.
From October 12 at midnight (edt) for the next 3 weeks (until November 1), Mercury will be apparently (from the Earth perspective) traveling backward in space.
There are many negative thoughts connected with Mercury Retrograde, and while it's true that some of those things can and do happen (purchasing a computer during a Mercury Rx in 2002 resulted in a computer that had to make multiple trips to the repair shop), there's a better way to think about Mercury Retrograde.
During Mercury Retrograde, Mercury, symbolic of our thoughts, stops moving and seems to hang motionless in space and then turn around and go backwards. And Mercury does it gain in 3 weeks when it stations Direct, and again seems to stop and then move forward again, slowly at first.
I've already seen and made data errors, all resulting in things having to be done twice-- AND also resulting in having to make CONTACT and CONNECT with other people. Mercury Retrograde-- especially in Scorpio and Libra-- reminds us that we need to CONNECT, to others and to our self.
When Mercury is Retrograde, it's time to SLOW DOWN. Our thoughts have been racing (as Mercury speeds up ahead of the Sun) and we are not thinking in the present, we are somewhere in the future. We forget to make essential connections when our minds are racing. And with Mercury in Scorpio, we make snap judgments, creating more interference in our minds.
How can you slow your mind and make the connections that are important, perhaps sacred. When you're going too fast, you can't stop to connect to much. You can keep collecting, talking, and reading bits and headlines, but it's hard to concentrate and learn anything in depth when you're always on the move for more.
During Mercury Rx through Scorpio and Libra, find ways to slow your mind. Talk about what matters. Just be with yourself, observe how what you put your attention on becomes more clear.
What are you missing by rushing all the time? Hopefully, you'll find out while Mercury is Retrograde.
in Love&Light,
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